Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Biden drops to 40% Approval in new Gallup Poll - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog will be doing more about the Mid Terms are they get closer, if your a Democrat in a RED STATE, you will not be happy, once a POTUS gets to the above low number, then his coattails will not help you win your House or Senate Seat.  POTUS really damaged himself with the withdrawal from Afghanistan, there was no one their to STOP HIM, when he was Vice - President it didn't matter, that President could overrule him, well Biden is NOW POTUS, and his foreign policy has been a disaster, as stated he withdrew from Kabul and managed to get 13 US Military personnel killed, he did not add troops that could have protected the area.  With China there is the growing THREAT that they will invade Taiwan, POTUS has gone off the reservation by stating that the US will defend the Island.  The White House has had to walk back those remarks. Then we come to the Ukraine, POTUS could not protect the Ukraine from being invaded.  Thus the present WAR in the Ukraine.  Then we come to Iran, it can be argued that Tehran has already stated that it is nuclear armed power, but the Oval does not want to hear that, if they did get the message they would have to take action.  Then we come to North Korea, they want attention, they want to the West to accept they are a nuclear armed power and remove the sanctions, one can expect a nuclear test by North Korea, then what POTUS.   Let's be honest POTUS is passed it, he cannot keep his mouth shut or keep to the teleprompter, the White House must be on alert every time he opens his mouth on China and Taiwan.  The Democrats might lose the US Congress in November, that could damage support to the Ukraine and benefit Putin in Russia.  The Democrats need a new candidate in 2024 or the Republicans will take the house. 

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