Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Sunak's U - Turn over Tax - Conservative Leadership Contest - After Brexit/Boris

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Sunak Campaign is in TROUBLE, although his campaign Sunak has refused to agree to tax cuts, only when inflation is down, well one must assume that the Sunak Campaign has read the POLLS, the public ones and the internal ones and worked out, that Sunak is political toast if he does not move on the issue.   One does recall Lady Thatcher's famous remark at a Conservative Party Conference, when she was under pressure due to her policies, she said this Lady is not for turning, Sunak has shown that he is WEAK, what will he do when faced with strikes on the railways, NHS and other public sectors, will he agree to wages to match inflation, thus making inflation worse.  The Truss Campaign should ram this MAJOR U -TURN down the throat of the Sunak Campaign, it should be noted that the former Chancellor will face Andrew Neil on Friday, one can expect a very tough interview, it seems that Truss was right to refuse the interview request, why go in to a political minefield if you do not have too. 

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