Monday, December 27, 2021

Is the Ukraine a NEW Cuban Missile Crisis ? - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

One does wonder if Putin understand the history of the Cuban Missile or understands to much, in 1962 it looked like Khrushchev had blinked when the US found nuclear missiles in Cuba, 90 miles for US shores, in fact Kennedy and Khrushchev had one a SECRET DEAL, the USSR would take it missiles out of Cuba, while the US would promise not to invade, the secret deal was that Kennedy would take NATO nuclear missiles out of Turkey six months after, but the secret deal has to remain secret and Kennedy Oval stated that if it came out the Kennedy Oval would say it was a lie.  Thus the Kennedys had their PR victory, while in private the USSR got its missiles out of Turkey.  2021/2 is not 1962, there can be no secret deals, the Russians have blocked that by stating that there has to be a legal agreement on the deal, that Ukraine will not join NATO and NATO troops would be withdrawn from Easter Europe States in NATO.  These can never be agreed to, it would make NATO pointless, it all works, a attack on one is a attack on all, that what keeps the Russian paws off the Baltic States and protects Poland and other East Europe States.  Thus Biden cannot afford to LOSE the Ukraine, the Democrats would be called appeasers, it would be called another Munich, 1938, while Putin would look weak if he blinked on the THREAT. So how does this work out, any talks will be short with the Russians, there demands will get a NO, and then what will Putin DO, invade the Ukraine, the American voters would force the Biden Oval to supply the Ukraine people, thus you run the risk of another Cuban Missile Crisis or WORSE.  Yes folks Dec Con1, all out WAR.  Thus if Biden was more nimble, he should send in the 101st Air Born, on a surprise New Year trip to the Ukraine, and backed up by NUCLEAR FORCES if needed.  Does Putin want to be the LAST PRESIDENT of Russia, do the Russian people want to suffer all out war with the WEST.  But then Biden is not that nimble, so what then, that is the question. 

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