Saturday, December 25, 2021

Did the Russians JUST BLINK over the Ukraine ? - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This COULD be true, this would mean either Putin is waiting for the January talks to FAIL, the West cannot agree to demands, that the Ukraine can never join NATO and the removal of NATO forces from Easter Europe States in NATO.  Then invade by claiming to the Russian people that he has tried and this is the only option left to him OR this could be a faint, troops removed from the BORDER can always be returned to the border.  This blog wants to see Independent reporting of these troops removal, not the Russian Military.  Also it has to thought possible that Putin has blinked, aka Russians in 1962, that was the impression, before it was discovered decades later that President Kennedy had his brother Robert F. Kennedy inform the Russian Ambassador that the missiles in Turkey would be removed six months later, but it would be a secret and if it came out the US would say it was not true.  Later the USSR tried to give a letter to the President that had the plan written out, the Oval refused to take it. This time Biden cannot make such a DEAL, Putin has demanded a legal TREATY on the issue, in other words Biden might want to do a Munich, but Putin has tied his hands.  One is not totally convinced that Putin will not take action over the Holiday period, never trust a KGB MAN, as Biden said to his face, he does not think that PUTIN has a soul. 

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