Monday, November 15, 2021

Polish/Belarus Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

President Putin could be playing CHESS, while the EU is still on SNAP, the Kremlin might be wanting the West to be fixated on the Polish border while the Russians are ready to invade the East of Ukraine or even the whole of the Ukraine.  ONE has to remember that that Putin has a KGB Soul, or that he even has one.  The West and NATO in this case should be placing troops on the border between Belarus and on the Ukraine border between the Ukraine and Russia.   The Biden White House should make it CLEAR to Putin, that any attack on the Ukraine will see the US in play and NATO.  The Russia Bear is sneaky it is not suicidal, there have been rumours that Putin is ill with Parkinson's,  one has doubts, but just in case a old man wants to take the World with him, it has to be made clear that any action in the Ukraine could lead to a War between NATO and Russia.  These are troubling developments. 

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