Monday, November 15, 2021

Biden success on HILL - infrastructure

Lets Get Real:

This a big win for POTUS, he could do with some good news, his poll numbers are down the toilet, US voters see him as not being interested in THEIR problems.  The Democrats can  NOW, shout about the infrastructure Act and the debate on the welfare social agenda that Biden wants the US Congress to pass.  The only person stopping Biden getting a complete win is Senator Joe Manchin, the Senator has sent mixed signals, it is CLEAR that he does not like the social agenda bill, he thinks it costs to much and changes the nature of the US.   The Senator might be RIGHT, the question is does he want to hold out and can the Biden Oval persuade him to vote YES in the Senate, this is the first half of the game, the 2nd half has never been so important for Biden and the US. 

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