Thursday, October 29, 2020

UK/EU Talks - Brexit Update 2 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

There are a couple of tough points that the talks have to get over, the first is the French demand that they have the same fishing concessions that they have NOW, that is non starter, what would be the point of BREXIT if the Paris had the same concessions that they had before, the idea would die a thousands cuts in the House of Commons.  Thus the French will need to be bought off by the Germans, grants for their fishermen etc.   The next problem is the right of the UK to support industries in trouble, given COVID - 19 that should be a minor problem for the EU.  Then last problem, who decides if either side break the agreement.  It can not be the ECJ, that is a non starter in the UK House of Commons.   It will be hard or easy to get a deal, it will depend on the French and the Germans wanting to protect their economy from a no deal Brexit after COVID - 19.

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