Thursday, October 29, 2020

The first 100 Days of the Biden Administration - Biden Era - US Presidential Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

In less ALL the polls are wrong, then Biden election will sweep more Democrats in to the House and the Democrats will take over the Senate.   As a new President Biden through executive orders can reverse many of the Trump polices, election victories have consequences, as the above shows a new Biden Administration will appease Iran, thus we come to the question what will Israel do in that event, with they and their new Gulf Allies decide that they can not trust a Biden Administration and strike Tehran's nuclear structures between November and January, one can see a peeved Trump going along, just to drive the liberals and CNN bonkers and hand over to the 46th President a major war in the Middle East.   Also a Biden administration will have to worry about North Korea, they have been VERY QUIET of late, what are they thinking, they  have an appeaser in the White House at the moment, will they want to send a clear message to Biden, they could have a nuclear test or send another missile on its way to the US.  Geo politics goes on, no matter if there is a domestic election. 

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