Thursday, July 18, 2019

Iranian Drone SHOT down by US USS Boxer - Update 2 - Gulf Crisis - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

One the whole US Presidents have more power in the foreign affairs than, they can start wars without the approval of the US Congress, the Wars Powers Act of 1973 states that after about certain of weeks the Oval Office has to ask the Congress for financial support for the War.  If Trump was Richard Nixon, he would strike Iran HARD, unite the Republican Party, there would be some who would oppose but they would be in the minority, the Democrats would be VERY DIVIDED, the left wingers in the House would want to impeach Trump again, while the moderates from Conservative Districts would be placed on the spot.  The Democratic candidates for President would also be placed on the spot, would they support the action or go to the LEFT.   This is why Presidents prefer foreign policy, they hold nearly all the Aces, but one doubts that Trump is that bright. 

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