Monday, May 20, 2019

Iran rebuffs POTUS on Military Threat - Middle East/Persia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

In many respects President Trump, he talks tough but when you get down to it, POTUS is an appeaser of the first order.  In the 2nd Obama Term, President Obama allowed his Secretary of State, John F. Kerry to march the troops up the hill when it came to Syria, and then cut him lose when the UK House of Commons would to support military strikes on Assad's Syria.   As with Syria and now IRAN, POTUS talks tough but when you get down it, he freezes, just look at Venezuela, both the National Security Adviser and the Secretary of State talk tough on removing the Government of Venezuela and what happened, a FAT NOTHING, tough sanctions that hit the people, while Government and Military ELITE do not suffer.   It has been stated that Trump is a new appeaser, just he shows a tough face but when you get down it, he STOPS.  In his campaign in 2016 Trump made it clear that he does not want to LEAD THE WORLD, this is a return to the US of the 1920s, where the voters did not want to see in another World War, it would take twenty years for the US voter to find its backbone with WW2, only after Imperial Japan attacked Pearl Harbour on December 7th 1941.   Thus it can be postulated that TRUMP will never attack Iran, and sooner or later, Iran will get the bomb. 

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