Saturday, May 18, 2019

World OIL under THREAT in the Persian Gulf - Part 4- Middle East/Persia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

One has to ask, are the military and the Supreme Leader on the same page when it comes to ACTION with the US.  As stated that is the problem when you have a religious theocracy in charge of Country.  There is the Supreme Leader who has the ultimate say, then the secular government that has limited power and then the military who's sole existence is to keep Iran a religious tyranny in power, also has a hefty interest in the economy of Iran.  The Trump Oval has to make it clear to IRAN, if any US SHIPS are hit by a missile its OVER for Iran.  The US will simply bomb IRAN back to pre stone age, and they have that kind of power.  Let's recall the US has the MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS, non nuclear, very effective in Afghanistan. 


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