Friday, May 17, 2019

US Lock and Loaded in the Middle East - Part 3 - Middle East/Persia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

IF Tehran is not confused, this blog is, the Trump Oval is sending out a confused message, either its a MASTER CLASS in Good Cop/Bad Cop or the Trump Oval is having internal disagreements about the future course in the Middle East.  This is the kind of time when a CLEAR message has to be SENT, and understood, Iran or its Allies might do something they think is low level and the US goes crazy and starts a WAR.  One has to assume that the US through the Swiss are having private talks on how to improve or lower the tension in the Middle East.   The key date will be when the 60 deadline by Tehran comes to and end, and it start the nuclear process to get the bomb, one can assume that Israel and Saudi Arabia will not allow that, and will strike, it would be better if that happened for the US to take action, otherwise Iran would be at WAR with Saudi Arabia and Israel, that really could close down the Persian Gulf. 

The clock is ticking folks, if the Tehran Regime had a strategic mastermind it would see that POTUS wants a better deal than Obama got, thus Iran should consider more limites it can live with while Trump is in the White House.   In many respects time is on their side, all they have to do is get beyond 2020 and there could be a liberal President in the Oval who wants to restart the Obama Deal.   Of course they have to get to 2020, if they go nuclear, ALL BETS ARE OFF. 

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