Monday, November 03, 2014

Mid Terms 2014 on POTUS

Lets Get Real:

If Obama's loses the Senate on Tuesday he will have to decide how he is going to run out the clock on his Presidency , does he work with Republicans on agreed issues, or does go extreme left and and use the powers of the Presidency to go around the Congress.  In 1986 before Iran - Contra broke Reagan lost the Senate, in that last two years he got tax reform and the passing of INF Treaty with Russia.   Thus POTUS does not have to be a lame duck President, if the Oval chooses to give a green card to millions of illegal immigrants then he could face trouble in the House and the Senate, there have been some wild calls to Impeach the Oval, if it goes down this route  those calls would more and less wild, thus what of relationship does Obama want with Congress is up to him.

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