Monday, June 24, 2013

Obama and the IRS - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:
Quite funny and cynical by the White House, as stressed in red above by this blog its down to the  " systems that allowed the misconduct to happen, and takes a forward - looking systemic view of the agency's management ", therefore the Oval has decide that is the system fault first, not a people fault, the same people running ObamaCare, the IRS scandal has gone quite of late, so has Libya, press investigations and the State Department, lets see if any of them has legs, to keep a story current and in the minds of the people the Republicans have to have more people before Congress, even better if they take the 5th.  The Republicans have to recall that the liberal press are not their friends, the liberal press will try to divert to any other story, so keep the heat on the Oval Republicans, this is THE Chicago political mob, there is always something there, unlike POTUS, there is no there with Obama, there never was as Berlin shows, and his failure to get Hong Kong and Russia to hand over Edward Snowden shows how weak Obama REALLY IS, a weak US President gets rolled by its enemies, just look at Jimmy Carter. 

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