Monday, April 08, 2013

Reagan & Thatcher - Thatcher Era 3

Lets Get Real:

The Reagan and Thatcher Era allowed the US and UK to get out of the mess that was the 1970s, the US economy was in a mess, and the Nation still had the blues after the Vietnam War and the Carter Presidency, while the UK was seen as the Sick Man of Europe, we even needed a bailout from the IMF.   In the US Reagan curbed the power of the Air Traffic controllers, he sacked them, and took on the Communist threat in backyard of the US, while also calling out the USSR, his Evil Empire Speech.   In the UK the 1st Thatcher Administration put the UK through some tough medicine, this was opposed by the Elite, it was the Falklands War that showed the Iron will of the Iran Lady.  The Thatcher Administration also curbed the power of the trade unions, made them take secret ballots before strikes, used the police in the NUM strike of 1984/85 to allow miners to work.   In the Cold War Thatcher allowed the US to place nuclear weapons on UK soil.  Thus showing that the USSR could not split the Western alliance, also supported the Reagan strike on Libya in 1986.  

Think folks, the US in 1980s under Carter, the economy in a dire straight, the US hostages in Iran, while by 1989 the Cold War was over, the US had the economy boom of the 80's, lower taxes and smaller Government.  These two leaders were never loved by the elite left wing media, but they made a difference, thank God for Reagan and Thatcher. 

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