Sunday, January 27, 2013

US/China and North Korea - The China Card

Lets Get Real: 

The Chinese Government must is some what despair about their nutty neighbour, they can not over react because a North Korea falling apart would send hundred of thousands of people over the border, also the North Korea Regime might think they have nothing to lose and start a War with South Korea, and of course the North is nuclear armed, this would bring in the US and its allies, the Government of Japan can be expected sooner or later, and it looks sooner will demand that the US allows it to go nuclear, become a nuclear armed power, this will really worry China.   The question is what do about North Korea, they have a million man army on the border with South Korea, there are reports that the Army is depressed and its equipment is old, but even this could destroy South Korea.   The latest news out of North Korea is that they are planning a nuclear test and more missile test, the aim of these missiles to reach the US, so who is to blame for this mess, lets start with North Korea, they have broken their word so many times, its pointless doing a deal with them, then there is Jimmy Carter, he agreed a deal with North Korea under the Clinton Presidency, for them to give up their nuclear aims, this agreement prevented a US strike, President Clinton should have told Carter to get lost, he prevented the US taking out a threat, not new there folks.  Iran 1979-81.  After that Democratic and Republican Administrations have allowed North Korea to blackmail them, its to late now, North Korea is a nuclear armed power with missiles,  lets see what they want, and lets put them back in the box. 

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