Saturday, December 01, 2012

Republican House vs. POTUS

Telegraph: Reports the following on the talks to prevent the US going over a financial cliff at the end of December, " ..Mr Obama effectively returned to the campaign trail in snowy eastern Pennsylvania to urge Americans to lobby their representatives to pass his plan. ".

Lets Get Real:

The Republican House should the Oval bluff, if Obama will not CUT welfare then let the set cuts come in to action, let the Oval start with a recession, Bush 41 agreed to tax hikes, did it get him re-elected, NO, the voters recall tax hikes, the Oval is not running again, thus the Dems in the House and the Senate will have to defend any tax hikes, they House should play hard ball, the Chicago way, NOT PASS anything in less the Oval agrees to its plan, just say NO.  It was good message in the 80s for those thinking of taking drugs, well its a good message for a Oval addicted to spending. I am sure the White House Staff wont mind taking coach on commercial airlines, the Obamas can go business class as they do not like the rich and the benefits of making money.  The Democrats have one flaw in their political strategy, the Oval is a political dodo within six months, all the candidates will start to visit Iowa for 2016, also the 2014 Mid Terms start now, thus folks, President Obama does not matter, lets him take the US in to recession, an Obama Recession looks good on a sticker, also the tax raised can go to fix the US debt.   REPUBLICANS JUST SAY NO. 

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