Saturday, December 01, 2012

The US Financial Cliff and POTUS

CNN - Politics: Has a advice piece from a old White House hand David Gergen  to the Obama Oval, the article notes the following, " ..But frankly, it is the president and the Democrats who are over-playing their hands now. ".

Lets Get Real:

The Oval is no LBJ, Reagan or Clinton, in POTUS you have a President who thinks his own statements are reality, rather than talking to Congressional leaders he is on the Campaign trail again, the problem being those that attend his events are never going to vote Republican anyway, in other words we have a President who wants to hear the love but does not want to deal with the in house power game that is Washington D.C.   The Democrats in the House and more so in the Senate must get the fact that the Oval just cares about the Oval, Obama does not care that there are Mid term elections in 2014 and that the Democrats need a nominee in 2016, and it will not be Vice - President Biden.  The Oval needs a good start for 2013, thus the Republicans should just say NO, let the planned tax hikes and welfare cuts come along, they have two years to run again, Obama does not matter, its harsh folks but the Oval does not have a horse in the 2016 race, thus has less power than it might think, Presidents of the US are powerful then they are NOT, it comes to them all folks, Obama is no different, when someone tells him that he does not matter; would pay to be a fly on the wall for that; the EGO being taken down will be nice to see, what the political gods give they take away, and you cant use the race card on them. 

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