Thursday, July 12, 2012

Missing the Target - The Romney Record

Guardian Live - US Politics: Reports the following on the Obama attack on Romney's business record in its 2.44pm post it states, " Has the Obama campaign over-reached on this? Unless there's more to it, it would appear it has. ".

Lets Get Real:

The low level vicious attack on Romney is based on the fact that POTUS can not run on his domestic record, ObamaCare is hated and has been defined by the US Supreme Court as a tax, the billions spent by Obama in the first two years of his Presidency did not get the economy moving, he has nothing to say about the future, so he has to get the election as a vote on Mitt Romney. This is why the Republicans have to hit back hard, not just take it, that would be 1996 all over again. The extreme liberal media did not vet Obama in 2008, he was given a pass because he was the first African - American with a real chance of winning the Oval, well if the media wont do its job its time for the Republicans to recall the REAL Obama record, the personal, his racist pastor, his domestic terrorist friends, his drug taking, its all there folks, just the media is so up Obama's backside they think it smells likes roses, he is a Chicago Pol, nothing more or less, time to hit back hard, on his personal failing and his failure as President. It is the Chicago way folks.

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