Thursday, July 12, 2012

Obama is liar - Romney Attack

Telegraph: Reports the following on the US Presidential Campaign, " Mitt Romney branded Barack Obama a "liar" ".

Lets Get Real:

It is about time that the Romney Campaign got in Obama's face, the right is going to be called racist by the left wing media what ever they do, so its time to take the gloves off, call POTUS on his lies when it comes to Romney's business record. At the same time call Obama OUT when it comes to ObamaCare, the President stated it was not a tax but his lawyers stated to the US Supreme Court that ObamaCare should be considered a TAX. Also the President stated that his spending would keep US unemployment under 8%, another lie. POTUS is a Chicago pol, they do not even know what the truth is, its anything they use to win. Lets take the fight to the Oval.

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