Friday, July 27, 2012

Aleppo Massacre ? - Syrian Update

BBC News: Reports that the UK Government has warned of a potential massacre in Aleppo, the 2nd City of Syria.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we shall see if the West, and in this case the Obama Administration has the backbone to go around the UN Security Council and prevent a bloody massacre in Aleppo, in Libya after a UN resolution the West in the shape of NATO bought down the Gaddafi Regime, much to the horror of Russia and China, the Russians with their Port in Syria are not going to move, and China on this issue goes along with Russia, lets face China had its own massacre of those seeking democracy, thus they have reasons to prevent the UN looking at the internal affair of other States. The question is will the Oval take action, or are we looking at another Bosnia, thousands killed before the US takes action, of course Obama has a problem, its an election year, how many innocent people getting killed on our TV screens can Obama put up with before he has to take action, with or without UN approval. The US left will never support another War in the Middle East, thus many poor Syrians might have to die before President Obama finds his backbone. Harsh but TRUE folks.

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