Friday, July 27, 2012

Obama vs. Romney - Friday Polls

It is that time of the week folks, the Friday Polls. The usual warning its only July folks, we still have the national conventions to go and Romney has to pick his VP. Then we have the debates.

Rasmussen Reports ( LV ): Reports on its daily tracking poll, today Governor Romney leads President Obama by 49% to 44%. A 5% lead.

Gallup ( RV ): Reports on its daily tracking poll, today both President Obama and Governor are tied at 46%.

Lets Get Real:

If your in the Romney Camp you will be spinning the Rasmussen Poll, this shows Romney with a 5%, what is good for this blogger about this poll is that counts likely voters, people who on the whole will get off their backsides and VOTE. The Registered Voter Poll might have those that support Obama or Romney but will never go out and vote. In essence folks neither candidate as defined the other, the Obama Camp has thrown enough dirt but it has just kept them in the game, it has not removed Romney as a threat. In the Romney Camp they have started to fight back, they have been helped by the political gaffes of the President, his remarks that the private sector is doing fine and that individuals do not build their own business will help those that were suspect about Obama to go to Romney. Also older people tend to vote in larger numbers that younger people, thus lets see the effect of the Supremes stating that ObamaCare is a tax, this could really hurt Obama on election day. Thus folks it might come down to the Presidential Debates, in that Obama should be the favourite, but that could be a problem, as long as Romney does not fall over he could win by default. Lets see folks.

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