Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Syria in Civil War - UN

BBC News: Reports that the head of the UN’s peacekeeping operations has stated that Syria is in a state of Civil War.

Lets Get Real:

This is hardly breaking news folks, Syria has been in a low level Civil War for months, what is worrying is the statement by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that Syria’s ally Russia is now going to give the Assad Regime attack helicopters. This low level Civil War could go regional, it would not take much for Turkey to get dragged in to the Civil War. Lets recall Turkey is member of NATO. The Assad Regime has two Aces up its sleeve, the support at the UN of Russia, the Putin Regime wants Russia back as a regional super power after the fall of the USSR. Thus it should be noted that Syria was a close ally of the USSR during the Cold War, also Russia has a warm water port in Syria, it does not want to see another Libya. Also the Tehran Regime can not afford to lose Syria, it allows it to place pressure on Israel, thus Assad will get financial and military support from Iran. The Obama Administration does not want Iran to go nuclear, so its has major problems with Syria and Iran. Just before the Presidential election November POTUS can not afford for the Syrian Civil War to go regional, also he does not want Israel to strike Iran due to its nuclear ambitions. The Republicans will use the failure to act in Syria and the lack of getting to Russians to back off to show that the Obama restart with Russia has failed, this means that POTUS who saw foreign policy as a net plus of his term is looking at domestic failure and foreign policy disaster, one has to say Obama is fast becoming another Carter Mark 11.

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