Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Leaks and National Security

The Hill: Reports that the 2008 Republican Nominee and War Hero Senator McCain failed to get the US Senate to approve an independent investigation in the leaks that POTUS has a kill list for terrorists and that the US and Israel have placed computer viruses in the Iran nuclear plants.

Lets Get Real:

The Romney Campaign should go hard on this issue folks, national security was suppose to be a plus for the Oval, this could destroy that shield. This does recall the last two seasons of the hit TV show the West Wing, when there was a national security leak from the White House, very close to the Oval. The Democrats on the Hill must be hopping that fiction is not becoming fact. Who in the Obama White House will be the new Toby ( the Chief Speech Writer for the West Wing President ). The Republicans should hit the Democrats hard on Obama's comments that the private sector is doing fine and the refusal of Dems on the Hill to appoint an Independent Investigation. This will run and run folks, what are the Dems hiding, and when didn't the Oval know.

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