Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Greek Election - Euro Crisis

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports in its 6.51pm post that Alexis Tsipras, the leader of Syriza the left wing anti austerity Party has stated that the previous austerity deal will be " HISTORY " after the 2nd Greek Election on Sunday.

Lets Get Real:

The bailout of the Spanish banks with no strings could be the steak through the heart of the pro austerity Parties in Greece, how can they ask the Greek voters to suffer if the EU has not asked the same of Spain. Of course the new Conservative Government of Spain has already started tough austerity measures but that will be hard to explain to the Greek voters. Thus by preventing a Spanish banking collapse so far the EU just might have killed off Greece as part of the Euro. The EU will be holding its breath on Sunday folks, what path with Greece follow, in our out of the Euro?.

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