Wednesday, June 13, 2012

US vs. Russia - Syria

Telegraph: Reports that the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has accused the Putin Regime of laying to the US when it comes to its role in Syria.

Lets Get Real:

Thus if the Russians are laying what is the US going to do, the answer folks, a big fat nothing. In the Oval you have President Obama who thinks his rhetoric is reality, thus his restart relationship is more important than the thousands people killed in Syria. It seems the lack of action by Bill Clinton in Bosnia and Africa in the 1990s did not get as far as Chicago, while women and children are being killed in Syria the Oval does nothing, it wants to keep its relationship with Russia rather help the innocent. This is why President Obama is failure on the domestic and international front, he has allowed the belief in his own brain power to obscure the real world. If a regional war does break out one can place part of the blame at the door of the Oval. One has to wonder did Secretary Clinton clear her remarks with the Oval, will she regret not running against President Obama in 2012, it could be that Bill Clinton was right, that Obama lacks the skill to be a President. Lets see if the Oval can get off the dime and do something to save the people of Syria, this blog is not holding its breath.

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