Monday, April 02, 2012

Legitimacy of the US Supreme Court and ObamaCare

Telegraph: Reports that President Obama has questioned the legitimacy of the US Supreme Court to strike down the individual mandate. Thus one has to ask has the result of the three day hearings before the US Supreme Court been leaked to the Oval, lets be honest here folks, the last time Washington D.C kept a real secret who was Deep Throat from the Watergate scandal, it turned out to be the Deputy Director of the FBI, also that President Kennedy had an affair with an intern. Thus one can read the remarks by the President in two ways, he thinks the Court is still discussing the issue thus open to pressure or has decided either to uphold or reject ObamaCare or parts of ObamaCare. Its tricky folks to mind read from a transcript at the best of times, but lets try, one can postulate that the result has been leaked, would POTUS take a shot at the Supremes if ObamaCare has been passed, they can still change their minds, that would VERY risky, or more likely the individual mandate has been revoked but the rest of ObamaCare has been allowed to stand, thus pushing the problem to Congress, that’s more likely folks. Interesting mind reading ahead folks.

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