Monday, April 02, 2012

Obama and ObamaCare

CNN Politics: Reports that President Obama has stated that over turning the individual mandate in ObamaCare would be a major step. One has to ask does the White House already NOW the result of the hearing before the US Supreme Court, it would surprise this blog if some of the details had not leaked somewhere, its just to big a secret to keep. As to over turning the individual mandate what about the fact that it goes against the US Constitution in the first place, as the left love to use race in elections context, at one time if you were black in the South you were a Slave, that was wrong, legally and morally, so in the view of ObamaCare if you take your first breath as a US Citizen after 26 years on your family’s healthcare you have to buy healthcare from the private market, is that not a form of Government slavery to benefit the private sector.

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