Sunday, January 29, 2012

Romney and Florida - Poll LEAD

The Hill: Reports on a new NBC News/Marist poll for Florida, in this poll Romney leads Gingrich by 42% to 27%, a 15% lead. Thus folks this race looks over in Florida, if this is the result on Tuesday it would mean that Romney has wiped out Gingrich as a real contender. As the article notes as we get in to February the States coming up look positive for Romney, if Romney can win most of the February States this race is effect over folks, as stated in previous post the Romney Campaign has to turn its fire on President Obama, it has to define him as he is, a out of touch big government liberal, also it should expect to fight fire with fire, the Chicago re-elect committee will start to fight dirty, will try to define Romney as a flip flopper, bit rich considering the Obama record. Also expect liberals try to define Romney as part of the 1% rich Americans verses the poor 99%. Expect liberal Adverts to point out that while in business Romney closed down unprofitable companies and thus job losses. Also liberals will argue that RomneyCare is the father ObamaCare, thus remove a political weapon from the Romney Campaign, its going to get very dirty quite fast folks.

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