Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Iowa Result

BBC News: Reports on the victory of Governor Mitt Romney in the Iowa Caucuses, the margin of victory was only eight votes over former US Senator Rick Santorum. It was a narrow victory folks, both candidates got 25% ( rounded up ) with Paul on 21%. It seems both Governor Perry* and Congresswoman Bachmann are out, it will be interesting to see in South Carolina who takes their votes, Santorum or Gingrich, these two Candidates are the Anti Romney. One has to wonder will there be pressure on Gingrich to get out and support Santorum, otherwise Romney wins by default. It is a given that Romney will win New Hampshire, he was the Governor of a neighbouring State, he is well ahead in the polls there. Thus in many respects it’s a fight between Romney and Santorum, as Romney has the money, the field operation, one has to say that Romney will be the nominee, but there is still time for Santorum, the Conservative groups if they want to defeat Romney will NOW have to spend their money in supporting Santorum and airing negative ads on Romney.

*It seems from US news reports that Governor Perry still wants to be in the race, we shall see how long this lasts folks.

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