Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gingrich WINS South Carolina - Republican Race

BBC News: Reports that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has beaten Governor Romney in South Carolina by 40% to 28%. Thus folks we have a long race, next is the even bigger State of Florida, that takes a lot of TV advert buys, thus money and a good ground operation. As Romney has the money and the campaign structure and is leading in the Polls in Florida its important that he WINS Florida. If Speaker Gingrich can use the win in South Carolina to take Florida then we due have a very long race. But as the Speaker was honest today he does not have the money of a Romney, but he does have his Super Pac and it can be postulated that Conservatives will start to give money to Gingrich because he did win BIG in SC. More debates folks, Governor Romney should release his tax returns, get the issue off the table, also he should use the fact that he is wealthy, greed is good as someone once said, thus Romney should argue that since he made himself wealthy he can make the US wealthy again after Obama.

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