Monday, August 15, 2011

39% Approval for President Obama = Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its latest daily tracking poll on the job approval for President Obama, today is grim reading for the Oval, President Obama has a 39% Approval rating, while 54% of Average voters Disapprove of the job performance of Obama. It can be argued that that ObamaCare was the straw that broke the Obama Presidency, the Act was pushed through against the will of the US voter. The recent downgrade of the credit rating of the US is also a major blow for the Oval. But as stated many times in this blog even Reagan got a 35% Approval rating, but in 1984 he won by 59% of the vote, and 49 States. Thus its not over for President Obama, but he cant afford any more major blows to his Presidency, he is starting to morph in to Jimmy Carter Mark 2, lets hope Iran does not invade Iraq when US troops leave, then it would be over for Obama.

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