Monday, August 15, 2011

60+ Killed in Iraq

BBC News: Reports on a series of bomb explosions in Iraq today, it is estimated that over 60 people have been killed. One can postulate that these attacks have the hand of Iran at its core, the recent killing of scientists working on Iran’s nuclear programme have the fingerprints of Israel on them, although no proof, this blog would very surprised if the Mossad had not played some part, thus Tehran wants to cause havoc for the US before its planned departure of Iraq. It would suite Iran if the violence in Iraq forced the US to keep troops on Station, this would hurt the Obama Presidency, the American left thought Obama would take OUT all troops, but it can be postulated that US will have troops in Iraq well in 2012 if not 2013. If this is an Iran operation it is an attempt to show that although it cant hurt Israel, and would not dare, it can attack US interests, thus expect more attacks through 2011/12. One has to ask was the loss of 179 the UK’s Armed Forces Personnel worth it, thus far NO.

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