Monday, July 25, 2011

The Debt Ceiling Plans

Fox News: Reports on the conflicting plans between Democrats and Republicans, on the Democratic side there would be two trillion in cuts and no tax hikes, thus taking the issue off the table in 2012, on the Republican side its two stages, cuts of one trillion but only taking the issue off the table for this year. Folks this down to politics, the Obama Chicago re-election committee knows that if there votes next year to raise the debt ceiling its over for President Obama, the Republicans are also playing a game, they want to see Obama ask during an election year for the debt ceiling to be raised, it would mean political oblivion for Obama. It can be argued that the Republicans have never had a stronger hand, they should pass a one trillion cuts plan and raise the debt ceiling and leaven town, force the Democrats to kill the idea and then allow the US to go in default. The US voter has had it with Washington spending, the welfare structure of the US will drive the US the way of Rome and the British Empire, it will go broke, and it will be a lot sooner than expected, then China will be the new economic super power, God help Taiwan then, China could move in and the US would be to broke to react, that was the fate of the UK after the end of World War Two, we had to ask the US to take over our Imperial responsibilities. The Liberal welfare state of the US was good idea folks, but we are know in the 21 Century, the US has a ageing population and a narrow work force, taxes raised don’t match spending. Also the US is still in Afghanistan and Iraq, and lets not forget Libya, another Congressional problem for POTUS. It can be argued we are seeing the end of the informal American Empire, and its decline was its own fault, it didn’t learn the lessons of history, it forgot about the mother country, YES that the UK folks. All Empires end folks, its how they end that matters, to have gone broke is not a good way for the US to be recalled through the ages.

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