Thursday, June 09, 2011

Obama and the Polls

RealClearPolitics: Has its average of the Presidential Job Approval Polls, the OBL bounce has gone, in its latest average of polls RCP has POTUS on 48% Approval and 46% Disapproval. In other words folks a tie, what is really hurting POTUS is the bad economic every month, as noted of late the unemployment rate has gone up to 9.1%. Also ObamaCare is still loathed by voters, also a recent report has suggested that many Americans who get their cover through work could see that benefit being lost due to the fact that its cheaper for business to pay a penalty to the Government and not give health benefits. When it comes to the debt ceiling the only idea coming from the Oval is to raise taxes, that is really going to get individuals and business to spend. Its still early folks, but if I was VP Biden I would start to look for another job after 2012, one can argue that Obama did the same mistake as Bush 43, while Bush had VP Cheney, Obama has Biden, what is the common thread, simple folks, neither was a political threat to POTUS, they had no political ambitions after finishing a second term. President Reagan took a risk and placed Bush 41 on his ticket, Bush 41 had ambitions to be President in his own right, thus saw the context of a 2nd term in pure politics, in other words if you want to be the successor to the boss you will make dam sure on the whole that there are no banana skins on the road, policy or scandal wise. Yes folks Bush 41 had to deal with Iran - Contra, he was not in the loop, while Gore was highly critical of Clinton and his affair. Thus Bush 41 won in 1988 due to in many respect the support of Ronald Reagan, it was seen as Reagan’s third term, while Gore came close but he didn’t use Clinton on the Campaign trail, if he had he just might have won. Thus expect Obama to have a new VP pick in 2012, perhaps Secretary Clinton.

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