Thursday, June 09, 2011

President Blair of the EU ?

Guardian: Has an interesting article by a Shadow Minister Diane Abbot on former Labour PM Tony Blair’s idea that the EU should have an elected President, this is a great line from the article, “ A cold shiver must have passed down many a spine this morning……for the sake of the sustainability of the European Union, Blair must forgo his dreams. ”. Thus one would expect that Labour under Ed Mililband would support the idea of Tony Blair as President of the EU, that’s way Blair’s comments have been taken, but no Ms Abbot it can be argued is talking for most of the Labour Party, and lets be honest, most of the UK. If Blair become President it would send Gordon Brown round the twist, okay not a bad idea then, the Lib Dems would have a nervous breakdown, okay still not a bad idea, but lets get back to reality, after Iraq Mr Blair does not have that many political friends who support him as President. Also it would take a UK referendum for there to be an elected President, can you see Ed Miliband who has thrown New Labour under the bus really going and campaign for Blair to become President, the Guardian would need Prozac and a lot of it, okay still not a bad idea. Blair for President, you never know with Blair but not in the near future folks.

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