Sunday, April 10, 2011

The US Debt Ceiling and the Liberal Media

The New York Times: Reports on the upcoming battle between the Republican House and Obama White House over raising the debt limit. It should come as no great surprise but the liberal NYT is trying to place the blame for the level of the debt on the Republicans, it does not seem to get the fact that their LIBERAL President had added trillions to the national debt with his failed economic package and ObamaCare. The Republicans should make it as clear as water to President Obama if does not want the US to go in to default the price will be the repeal of his beloved ObamaCare. The Republicans in the House should make it clear that this is not a bluff, a US in default would place ALL Liberal reforms since the New Deal on the chopping block. The Republicans should make it simple, either Obama revokes ObamaCare or ALL Liberals reforms from FDR onwards will be revoked as a price for the Congress to act once the US goes in to default. This is called Chicago politics folks.

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