Monday, April 11, 2011

55% Disapproval Rating for Obama - Rasmussen

Rasmussen Reports: In its Daily Tracking Poll President Obama has a 55% disapproval rating, while 44% likely voters approve of the job performance of President Obama. One would assume that POTUS would get a hike in his polls after the Budget Deal but it does not seemed to have happen, thus if the election was held today Obama would be out on his ear. If your in the Chicago office of the Obama Re - Election Committee you have to move your candidate to the centre to get back those Independent voters that he lost with this ObamaCare. In your heart of you hearts you must be hopping that the US Supreme Court throws out ObamaCare and fast, that would allow POTUS to move away from the subject, it does not matter how much he defends the Act, the foundations of ObamaCare that Americans have to buy health care insurance will never be popular, the moment an American born he has a tax that he or she has to pay to cover Americans that don’t have health care. The Budget Cuts that will cut the US welfare system should have gotten Obama a hike in the polls, the fact that this has not happened shows that Obama has a long road re-election. The Budget deal was the start but it’s a long road folks.

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