Sunday, April 10, 2011

No Money or Food = Benghazi

Telegraph: Reports that Eastern Rebel town of Benghazi is running out of food and money. A rebel army needs food and money, but at its base it needs to feed the population that support the rebels, otherwise over time the Gaddafi regime will start to look good for the basics of life. Thus the West, in this case the Allies of UK the France will have to fund the rebels with food and money, the endless War, and it feels like an endless war plays in to the hands of Colonel Gaddafi. In the case of the UK does PM Cameron want to have to justify why the RAF is still bombing in Libya six months or a year later, time for arms and UK trainers to be sent in to the East of Libya, all under cover, a D notice etc, but this War has to end soon, and that does not mean six months.

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