Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Iran will Walk ?

Telegraph: Reports that Iran has stated it will walk away from nuclear talks should the UN pass another sanction resolution against Iran. Why would Iran walk when Russia and China have made a new resolution weak and dead on arrival, the resolution does not block ships sending oil in to Iran for cars etc. One can postulate that Iran will walk out of talks, then a few months down the line start the game again, play for time and then one day state that is has a nuclear bomb and the missile technology from North Korea to deliver to any target nation in the region. One can argue that Israel should just accept that Obama is another Jimmy Carter, that Obama is weak will never give the green light for the US military to hit Iran, thus Israel will come to a crossroads, it either attacks Iran or accepts that Iran will get the bomb and that Israel is close to that midnight hour when it will be destroyed by Iran.

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