Monday, October 12, 2009

How much for CLEANING and GARDENING = 12,415

BBC News: Reports that UK PM Gordon Brown will have to pay back 12, 415 to the tax payer for his expense claims for cleaning and gardening. If you want to see a political dodo watch Gordon Brown, New Labour does not have the courage to get rid of this political loser, thus the country has to go through months of this slow destruction of a government. Its a pity that Labour does not have the butchers instinct that the Conservative Party had in 1990, when Lady Thatcher was seen as a vote loser she was out, Tony Blair was forced out under pressure, to be replaced by Gordon Brown due to the Iraq War, now look what has happened, Brown is set for political oblivion while our Tony is to become the President of the EU. You have to love politics, its brutal and not fair, that why this blog exists.

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