Monday, October 12, 2009

Afghanistan NEEDS at least 25,000 more US Troops or its LOST

CNN: Reports on the views of David Kilcullen an adviser to the US military on Afghanistan and Iraq, in essence the US needs another twenty five thousand troops in Afghanistan or it will lose the War. One can understand the position of President Obama, he has just won the Nobel Peace Prize, and his military want him to send between twenty five and over sixty thousand new troops to Afghanistan. If does send the troops whats the point of the Nobel Peace Prize, if he does not send them he will be seen as weak and afraid to act after winning an Award for nothing. This is a tricky moment of Obama, the wrong move and his wont win re-election in 2012. One gets the impression that some of the advice he is getting is from those that are fighting the Vietnam War all over again, yes that would be VP Biden. The problem for President Obama is that he has never served, this is a military decision, last time I looked Obama never went to West Point, one wonders if he knows the difference between an aircraft carrier and a battleship, at least Jimmy Carter had been an officer in subs. It will be simple for readers to understand the Obama decision, if he follows the McChrystal request he wants to protect the the USA and the West, anything less at the US voter has voted in the new Neville Chamberlain.

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