Monday, October 12, 2009

What NEXT for Afghanistan ?

The New York Times: Reports on the debate in the Beltway of Washington D.C on the level of troops that should be sent to Afghanistan, as the NYT writes " to add another 40,000 troops on top of the 68,000 Americans already deployed there. " It should be noted that other NATO countries have about forty thousand troops in theatre, thus the US and NATO already has about one hundred thousand troops in theatre. An interesting fact that has come out is that the forty thousand request could be the middle level, it has been leaked that General McChrystal has also set a higher level of over sixty thousand new troops for Afghanistan. Thus the US military wait for the Hamlet of the Oval to make his mind up, keep at present level and lose the war, split the difference, at about twenty thousand troops and lose the war or win the war with forty thousand troops. If President Obama does not go along with the recommendations of General McChrystal then expect the USA to lose in Afghanistan, also that Taliban will take over Afghanistan and that Pakistan will come under more threat from the Taliban of Pakistan. All this down to arrogant and weak President. Obama is no Reagan.

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