Monday, October 12, 2009

Partisan CBS

CBS News: On the whole the the networks try to give the appearance of being objective, but it seems in the days of Obama, that does not matter, thus shock statement by veteran CBS reporter, Bob Schieffer, " For the record, I generally agree with the President's approach on foreign policy,..." I ask the reader can you think in the time of Ronald Reagan that the elite media would state that they supported the Reagan Foreign Policy. It seems in the time of the ONE, the STAR, get a Nobel on the cheap that the Main Stream Media and that includes, ABC, NBC and CBS have taken a side, like the Nobel Committee they have shown that Republicans should only go on Fox News, because they will be targets to the Liberal Main Stream Media. My kind of reporter is Walter Burns from the Front Page, will investigate anybody and if no story will invent one, at least you can trust that kind of reporter.

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