Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Time to Decide Mr President - Afghanistan

The Washington Post: Reports that the Obama West Wing wants to change the military strategy from Afghanistan to Pakistan. In essence no more troops for Afghanistan, they want to sell out Afghanistan as they have sold out Poland and the Czech Republic. This is why Democrats are never trusted on national security issues, if Obama follows this route he is throwing Afghanistan to the dogs, in other words the Taliban. The idea that you can deal with Pakistan at the exclusion of Afghanistan shows no understanding of counterinsurgency, if you sell out Afghanistan then who in the region is going to trust an Obama Administration. What of the costs in lives and treasure that Afghanistan has cost so far, was it pointless, is the Just War that Obama wanted to fight no longer a Just War. I must admit a line from Lady Thatcher comes to mind, after Iraq invaded Kuwait, Lady Thatcher told Bush 41 not to wobble. It seems that the political operators in the Obama West Wing are in different stages of wobble. If Obama sells out Afghanistan he will be the next Neville Chamberlain, he has already sold out Poland and Czech Republic over missile defence, one can postulate that Israel will seen President Obama as weak and thus take military action against Iran. All actions have consequences lets see if Obama can see beyond his own arrogance.

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