Tuesday, September 22, 2009

1,000 more UK Soldiers for Afghanistan

The Times: Reports that the UK will send another one thousand soldiers to Afghanistan as part of the new strategy of General McChrystal. This would be a good move as long as President Obama has the backbone to support the call for more US troops. It has been reported that General McChrystal will ask for another thirty to forty thousand US troops to give security to the population of Afghanistan and build up the security forces of Afghanistan, this is causing heart failure in the White House and in Congress. The War in Afghanistan is does not have good poll ratings and Liberals in Congress want to pull the plug on Afghanistan, they see it as another Bush War. In many respects Obama is up a creek with out much of paddle, what ever his decision it becomes his War, if he says YES to the surge it becomes Obama's War, thus lets be honest here there is a great chance for failure. If Obama says NO, and tries to keep the force level as it is, the War will be lost in 12 months. Thus the Just War that Obama wanted to fight could define his Presidency, he would become the next Jimmy Carter but also LBJ and Nixon due to the fact the he would have lost a WAR on his watch. The problem for President Obama is that the Taliban like the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War can wait him out, a holding War would lead to more losses and Obama would be blamed for not taking the advice of his military, thus he would lose re-election in 2012. The decision that the President takes on Afghanistan is like the decision that LBJ took in 1965, either the USA is in or out of a War, this decision more that health care will define President Obama.

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