New York Times: Reports that bones found in Russia last year have been confirmed as belonging to the son and daughter of the Tsar, the bones of Alexei and Maria bring one of the great mysteries of the 20 Century to and end. Lets hope they can now find peace with their family.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Tsar and his Family, Case Closed
New York Times: Reports that bones found in Russia last year have been confirmed as belonging to the son and daughter of the Tsar, the bones of Alexei and Maria bring one of the great mysteries of the 20 Century to and end. Lets hope they can now find peace with their family.
Obama, Wright and Elite Media
Lets see how the Elite Media has dealt with the Obama/Wright War.
Slate: Reports that Obama is on the right road when it comes to Wright but life is not simple, and divorce Americna style does not come cheap, recall LA Law. Read of the Day.
New York Times: Ms Dowd really cuts to the core issue of the Campaign, surprise the Times let her get away with it, she writes the following on Obama, ".. the Sort Of Angry Black Man appeared, reluctantly spurred into action by The Really Angry Black Man. " In other words Obama lost his cool and dissed his former Pastor. As noted in this before the appeal of Obama was that he was post racial, a Democrat Reagan, almost Teflon, then Reverend Wright turned up and other problems, his bitter comment and his terrorist friend. Thus it can be argued that to Reagan Democrats, white working class voters, Obama has became the Liberal Black Candidate for the Democratic Nomination. The votes on May 6 will decided how much damage this had done to Obama.
Slate: Reports that Obama is on the right road when it comes to Wright but life is not simple, and divorce Americna style does not come cheap, recall LA Law. Read of the Day.
New York Times: Looks at how Obama has dealt with the WAR between himself and his Pastor. How the issue wont go away, and how Obama has had to walk away from his former Pastor.
New York Times: Ms Dowd really cuts to the core issue of the Campaign, surprise the Times let her get away with it, she writes the following on Obama, ".. the Sort Of Angry Black Man appeared, reluctantly spurred into action by The Really Angry Black Man. " In other words Obama lost his cool and dissed his former Pastor. As noted in this before the appeal of Obama was that he was post racial, a Democrat Reagan, almost Teflon, then Reverend Wright turned up and other problems, his bitter comment and his terrorist friend. Thus it can be argued that to Reagan Democrats, white working class voters, Obama has became the Liberal Black Candidate for the Democratic Nomination. The votes on May 6 will decided how much damage this had done to Obama.
Follow the Money at Obama
The Politico: Reports that in the mind of McCain and the Republicans its Obama that will be the Democratic Nominee. The money spent on attack and comment show that Hillary Clinton has been thrown under the bus without much as a news conference. This is a wise move, Obama after his bad few weeks is still on the road to the nomination.
Carter on 08 Race
The Daily Telegraph: Reports that Former President Jimmy Carter has called for the Democratic Race to be over after June. Let me point this out, would you take advice from Jimmy Carter when it comes to domestic politics, like taking advice from Richard Nixon on your enemies list. Carter was a disaster as a President, his golden moment was winning the Presidency after one term tenure as Governor of Georgia. He has been a right pain in the backside since, only won the Peace Prize as a attempt to have a go at George W. Bush. I hope the Clintons fight to the Convention, they have the right and more important its the right thing to do politically, it did not hurt the Gipper in 1976.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Obama on Wright
Breitbart: Reports Obama is not happy with his Pastor and has stated this is in a press conference, but will this latest view help him or hurt him, will have to see over the next few days.
The Wright Factor
The Washington Post: Another critical review of the Reverend Wright. Also some good political advice, simple really, Obama's Pastor has thrown him under the bus, well time for Obama to replay this gift in the same manner.
Bill Clinton
The New Republic: A article in praise of Bill Clinton, as this blog has been very critical of Bill Clinton a counter weight if you wish to read.
North Carolina Poll
Survey USA: It seems the Reverend Wright mess has hurt Obama in North Carolina. The lead for Obama is now only 5%. N. Carolina was seen as in the pocket of Obama, not any more, if Clinton can steal a win here, this would turn the race up side down. The Super Delegates just might go for her, but still a long shot. Here is the poll:
Obama 49%
Clinton 44%
Obama has to make sure that he wins North Carolina, a Clinton win here and in Indiana would make the race last to the Convention. Clinton would be foolish to give up if Obama is really that flawed a candidate.
Obama and Wright
New York Times: Critical review of Reverend Wright and the weak response of Obama. Must Read of the Day.
Drudge Report - Clinton on the Factor
Drudge Report: An exclusive from Mr Drudge, Hillary Clinton will turn up on the The O'Reilly Factor this coming Wednesday. As Mr O ' Reilly is on at 1am UK time will stay up to watch this interview. The Clintons are going all out to win.
Obama on Wright
The Politico: Reports that Senator Obama is going to deal with the Reverend Wright mess again. Another Press Conference. Advice to the Senator on Wright, DISAVOW, DISOWN, REJECT, CUT OUT OF LIFE, offer to pay for him to leave the country if he does not like the place. The Gipper was ruthless when he had to get rid of people, a President has to have a sharp axe and not afraid to use the power of the Presidency.
Monday, April 28, 2008
ID and then Vote
New York Times: Reports that the United States Supreme Court has stated that voters should have legal ID before they vote, a good and wise move, we recall the 1960 Election. The Democrats opposed the move, they lose in their narrow view, hang the Democratic result as long as they win.
Bill Clinton and the Race Card
The New Yorker: Interesting article about how Bill Clinton is on the road these days, the answer on the whole not good, he seems from reading the article to be using the race card is non so subtle way. The article reports that in PA he stated that Hillary was in the race for " People like you. The phrase hung in the air and the room quieted. Clinton didn’t say what the people who voted for Obama were like, but the suggestion was that they were somehow different. " The way Bill Clinton is going he will be seen as a less subtle George Wallace, the man that was seen as the first black President will have to to eat a lot o humble pie if Obama wins, can you see Obama using Clinton on diplomatic missions, after the the Clinton Machine has used the race card on Obama. Obama has not helped with the lack of reaction to his Pastor but the Clinton Machine has shown that it will use the African - American vote when it is needed but when its a threat it will turn on them, in the end its about the Clintons, that is a fact of politics.
End of the Reagan Era ?
The New Republic: Interesting article that tries but no cigar to say that the Reagan Era is over, as long as Reagan and his movement is remembered its never over, that's the part the elite media never understood at the time and still have hard time with, but a worthy attempt in the article. Must Read of the Day.
Obama's Pastor Redux
The past two days, last night and today shows why the Revered Wright is a problem for Obama. Last night in a speech he seemed to this teacher to be suggesting that African - American students should be taught separately from White Students. The theory being based on research that shows that the two cultures learn in a different method, as I teacher I take great offence at this view of teaching. Students white, black or any colour behave well or not in the same fashion, the point of the USA is that it is a melting point of all cultures. Today he called the USA a terrorist nation, thus 9/11 was the fault of the United States. Obama needs to disavow this man or he wont get the nomination or he might win but in the General Election he will go down to a Walter Mondale style defeat.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Obama and the Real World
Telegraph: How Obama has had to get his hands dirty if he wants to win the Democratic Nomination. Must read of the Day.
Torture and the CIA
Torture: Here we go again, the LIBERAL New York Times cares more about the rights of terrorists than the safety of its own citizens. We live in 24 show world, CIA agents like Jack Bauer have to do what they have to do to protect the American People. Simple story line for the Times to think about, a dirty bomb is going to off in New York, the Field Agent has one hour to prevent an attack, does he or her just take name and cell number or does he or her do what has to be done to protect the American People. He or her does what needs to be done, and we thank god that he or her does what we don't need to know about and would find hard to do, he or her does his or her job. I wish the Times would grow a back bone, and recall we are the good guys, have my doubts they are to far gone, frak them I am sorry to say, and a hail to the CIA, MI6 for doing what has to be done for Western Security.
Obama On Fox
Fox News Sunday: Reports that Obama has stated no more debates with Hillary Clinton, wise move Senator.
The Schweiker Solution ?
Lets use our crystal ball and lets see a solution to the Democratic Mess. In this we have the great book, Reagan's Revolution, The Untold Story of the Campaign that started it all, by Craig Shirley. Clinton is behind in the delegate count, Obama is ahead by over a hundred and thirty delegates at last count, so what does Clinton do, so far the seems to be going for debates, Obama by the last measure should say no to further debates. Thus we have an another solution for Team Clinton, select a VP running mate now, as the Reagan team did, select a Obama Super Delegate, if he was African - American it would be better, some military of foreign policy experience, to the left of her on some issues, thus give her cover with liberals but centre on Foreign Policy and the Military. The Question why do this, lets give it as a given that both candidates come out of the next rounds of elections about even, Obama ahead by about a hundred and thirty and at the popular vote level a few hundred thousand. Clinton has argued that Florida and Michigan should be counted in the vote count, in Michigan Obama was not on the voters list, and in Florida he did not Campaign. Thus this arguments is rubbish to be honest, it called stealing elections in my book.
Thus Hillary Clinton has to get in front of this lead, make Obama select his running mate, he will have to choose someone to his right, not easy and the Party will find it hard to take, but he needs to do that, cant have to two liberals on the ticket, sure fire lose voter. The Clinton Machine has to get the Super Delegates to see that Reagan Democrats will only vote for her, and that Obama has became the African - American Candidate, and it sad to say the USA is not ready for its first black President, a post racial black President yes, but Obama's pastor and his own mistakes has made him the a Liberal African - American Candidate for President not a candidate who happens to be black, harsh but true. Thus the time for the Schweiker solution.
The Super Delegates - Solid for both Clinton and Obama
New York Times: Interesting article on the state of the Super Delegates, they are on the fence a great surprise. In 1976 President Ford had tough fight against Ronald Reagan, he won but it went down to the wire, President Carter only won with a narrow margin. Thus it can be argued by Demeocrats that the fight can go on and after its all over the Party will come together, but it should be recalled that Ford lost in the end, as Carter had won early and looked more united.
The Sontaran Stratagem - Dr Who Review
The Doctor Who News Page: I thought the Sontaran Stratagem kicked but, great drama, top drama of the day. The Sontarans left out of the Time War, they wont have liked that, don't think they would have minded the side they supported as long they could take part. Poor Sontarans cant get a decent war these days.
James Clyburn Redux
Sunday Times ( UK ): A leading African - American Leader, James Clyburn has warned the Hillary Clinton not steal election through the Super Delegates. This type of article will be common over the next few weeks.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Indiana Poll of Polls
CNN: Reports that its Poll of Polls has an even split between Obama and Clinton, both on 45% and 10% of the voters unsure. The question has to be asked how many voters are telling the truth to pollsters. As shown in this election cycle, voters give the pollsters what they think the person wants to hear or what the correct PC answer is at the time, if your pollster is an African - American or a woman, it could be guessed the voter will tell that person what they should say in this PC world. Obama and Polls need to be take with care. I will go out on the blank here, Clinton to win Indiana and the margin will be enough to keep her in the race. Teflon Obama has became another Walter Mondale.
African American Leader v Bill Clinton
New York Times: The election cycle in 08 has done great damage to the relationship between Bill Clinton and the African - American community. The NYT reports that one of its leaders, James E. Clyburn, a member of the House of Representatives, has attacked the actions of the former President. The Times reports the following, " Mr. Clyburn said Mr. Clinton’s conduct in this campaign had caused what might be an irreparable breach between Mr. Clinton and an African-American constituency that once revered him. " This is a problem for the Democrats, they can not afford to lose the African - American vote in lower down races. Is the Democratic Party willing to lose the African - American vote to help the Clintons. After the States have voted the Democratic Leadership will have to decided how long to allow this race to go on, more damage on Obama by the Clinton Machine could make sure that McCain is elected in November. The Liberal New York Times is in the Obama Camp.
Clinton's illegal Math
New York Times: How the Clinton Machine does not care what rules it breaks, it wants to include Michigan, the state that did not have Obama on the vote list and Florida, both Clinton and Obama agreed not to Campaign in the state. These two states would help Clinton in the popular vote, one of her few hopes to persuade the Super Delegates to give her the nomination.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Obama's friend the Terrorist as Teacher
City Journal: An article attacking the present role of Bill Ayers, his training of Teachers. Only in the United States would it seem normal to allow a TERRORIST to train future Teachers. If that was not bad enough, he using this as a way to transfer his political thoughts to the teachers of today and their students. As a Teacher I find that a DISGRACE.
Syria and the BOMB
New York Times: A interesting article on the Syrian Nuclear Reactor that was destroyed by Israel. The USA has a video that shows that North Korea was helping Syria. All this talk of having talks with N. Korea is a mistake, you cant trust them, you need a tough policy not some weak policy that was followed by the Clinton Administration.
Al Gore for POTUS
Boston Phoenix: Is Al Gore the solution to the Democratic Race? The Democrats could have their own West Wing President, and better, Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize, the West Wing President won it for Economics. But does Al want to give up Saint Hood for the Secret Service title of President of the United States, POTUS.
Reagan Democrats Redux
The Times ( UK ): Looks at the prospect that white working class Democrats, the backbone of the Reagan victories in 1980/84 might not be ready to vote for African - American Candidate. The article states the following, " Mr Obama may by unable to carry large industrial states with socially conservative white working-class populations simply because of his race. " Thus the article states that the Super Delegates, in smoked filled rooms, should put Hillary Clinton on the top of the ticket, when she has less delegates and less of the popular vote, Florida and Michigan do not count. and place Obama as VP. The article is seems afraid that Democracy will get in the way of the Democrats winning. My question why should Obama take the VP spot when by votes he should be the nominee.
Reagan Democrats
New York Times: Argues that Obama will pick Reagan Democrats in a General Election. white working class voters. Although Clinton has a lock on this group, the LIBERAL NYT argues that Obama has a good chance with these voters and Independents. THE LIBERAL NYT IS REALLY GOING OUT OF ITS WAY TO SUPPORT OBAMA AND LIFT HIM OUT OF HIS RUN OF DEFEATS.
PA Delegate Count
CBS News: Reports that after all the millions spent by Obama and Clinton, the difference in delegates is only nine, Clinton has picked up eighty two and Obama has seventy three. What a way run an election.
London Times on Obama
The Times ( UK ): The result in PA has damaged Obama in the view of the Times. One gets the impression that the paper of record is building up the case for Hillary Clinton.
RCP Delegate Score Card
After PA, Clinton is still behind in the delegate count. RCP, has the following on the delegate count for the candidates. The total includes Super Delegates.
Obama 1721
Clinton 1590
Thus Clinton is one hundred and thirty one delegates behind. This is about the Super Delegates. Clinton has to destroy Obama to win, does she want to win that much and will the Democratic Party allow Obama to be taken down by the Clinton Machine.
Dick Morris on Clinton and 08
Bill Clinton's old political strategist, Dick Morris, on the Factor has stated this race is over, Obama will get the nomination, the essence the election cycle is a show, the Super Delegates wont over turn the pledge delegate support of Obama.
NYT and Pennsylvania
New York Times: One night your the victor, a double digit win, next your a bad winner. In the view of the Liberal New York Times, the Clinton victory last night was an " ..another inconclusive result..." in other words it only counts if the Obama wins. The Liberal Times is split, in its heart it supports Obama, but its political head tells it Clinton is the only Democrat that can win the general election. As Obama leads in the Delegate count and popular vote, one has to discount Florida and Michigan as they broke the rules, he should get the nomination, but the head is telling the Times that Obama cant cut it with Reagan Democrats, Clinton has won the big states, in other words the LIBERAL NEW YORK TIMES is having a break down, a lot like its lost sales. Thus we see Clinton win PA, the victory was seen as using the Republican methods, the Times writes the following, Clinton used " ...Karl Rove’s playbook.." That is not a compliment from the Times, but Rove helped President George W. Bush win in Texas as Governor and then as President in 2000 and 2004. Times get over yourself, Go Hillary.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Projections - PA
The final result, Clinton 55%/Obama 45%.
A race that will last till June, what fun!!
24 vote in: 54%/46%. A Clinton win of between 8%/10% means a long race still to go.
7 vote in: Clinton 54%/46%. Clinton Margin on the increase, leading by eight percent. This could be a good night for Clinton. On to the next vote.
CNN: Clinton Win PA
6 percent of the vote in. Clinton 52%/Obama 48%. Looks like the end result!
3percent of the vote in. Clinton 53% / Obama 47 %. If this holds hard for Clinton to stay in the race.
CNN still wont call the race!
CNN not called the race.
Fox has Clinton winning PA.
The Networks, Fox and CNN have called PA to close to call, more news soon!
A race that will last till June, what fun!!
24 vote in: 54%/46%. A Clinton win of between 8%/10% means a long race still to go.
7 vote in: Clinton 54%/46%. Clinton Margin on the increase, leading by eight percent. This could be a good night for Clinton. On to the next vote.
CNN: Clinton Win PA
6 percent of the vote in. Clinton 52%/Obama 48%. Looks like the end result!
3percent of the vote in. Clinton 53% / Obama 47 %. If this holds hard for Clinton to stay in the race.
CNN still wont call the race!
CNN not called the race.
Fox has Clinton winning PA.
The Networks, Fox and CNN have called PA to close to call, more news soon!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Exit Polls Warning - PA
Irish Trojan: Excellent post on being careful about Exit Polls. Read before the fun starts with actual results.
Drudge Exit Poll - Pennsylvania
Drudge Report: Has an Exit Poll that shows if true and holds up this race is over. The Exit Poll with one hour and thirty seven minutes before the polls close has the following result.
Clinton 52
Obama 48
This margin of victory could force Clinton out. Let see if it holds up during the night. In 2004 early exit polls had Kerry ahead, they changed. Lets see by the end of the night!!
Clinton 52
Obama 48
This margin of victory could force Clinton out. Let see if it holds up during the night. In 2004 early exit polls had Kerry ahead, they changed. Lets see by the end of the night!!
Clinton Campaign and the Future
New York Times: How the Clintons are going to fight on, but a nugget of news in the article, the next do or die state is Indiana, her own team what her out if she was to lose that state. As mentioned she has a very narrow lead in that state, the Obama magic and money could finish the Clintons in Indiana. The next two weeks shall be very interesting, will another shoe drop in the Obama Camp? The Clintons will hoping for another " Bitter " comment from Obama or something new or his terrorist friend. This race is far from over!
Pennsylvania Result ?
Fox News: Reports that Obama does not expect to win the state but Clinton if her internal polls are right a double digit win. Thus what does the result mean, lets go with the Clinton double digit win over ten points, this keeps her going for Indiana , North Carolina is seen in the pocket of Obama. Lets look at the RCP average of polls for Indiana, Clinton is ahead by 2.2%. Thus we shall see if the Obama Magic will work in Indiana. If Obama can not seal the deal with Reagan Democrats, those that he was seen as to look down at in California, he will be in trouble with the Super Delegates. The sliver lining for Obama is if he can keep the delegate and popular vote lead the Super Delegates will not risk a civil war within the party to help the Clintons. Obama is more of a sure bet than Clinton.
President George W. Bush
USA Today: Reports that President Bush has reached a record in the Gallup Poll, the highest disapproval rating of any President. The last holder of that record was President Truman, now considered a great President. President Bush is only on the first page of history.
VP Spot 1976 - 2008
International Herald Tribune: The Elite Media really want a dream ticket of Obama/ Clinton or the other way around. This is more like 1976 when it was Reagan v Ford. There can only be one winner, VP not a option. If Obama is the winner would he really want the Clintons on board, who would control Bill Clinton?
Monday, April 21, 2008
ABC Debate Redux
The New Yorker: The ABC debate has really got under the skin of the Elite Media, they know Obama had a bad night, the problem with ELITE MEDIA is that they think they should decided what questions the Democratic Candidates should be asked, does not matter that a friend of Obama is a former Terrorist, what more important is the agenda of the elite media. Read and Understand why we need Drudge and Bloggers.
Drudge on Clinton and the Polls
Drudge Report: Reports that the Clinton Campaign has internal polls showing that Clinton has a eleven point lead of Obama. This is a vast difference from published polls. Are the Clintons spinning or is the Titanic still afloat.
No More Reagan ?
Examiner. com: A Republican Governor has suggested that the Republican Party look beyond Ronald Reagan, if he ever runs for national office I wont support him!!
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that another British Soldier has died in Afghanistan. The Total now stands at 94.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Gore and Lieberman 2000
New York Times: Reports how the Iraq war has split the 2000 Democratic Ticket. Read of the Day.
Obama + Clinton = Minus for Dems
New York Post: How the Democrats are helping the Campaign of Senator John McCain. Must Read of the Day.
Planet of the Ood - Dr Who Review
The Doctor Who News Page: Again the Top Drama for the Day, only ITV got a bigger slice of the audience with its reality show!! One of the best lines, " Who makes your Clothes ". Not a review of the clothes but how in some third world countries the workers are paid a wage that is below disgusting, the type of money that could not buy your favourite sweet with, nice to see some social commentary. Is the Doctor going to renew himself at the end of the season and will Rose be there for a new Doctor. What about the Xmas special, so many questions!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
New York Times: Looks how the Friends of Bill form the 90s has gone to Frak you Bill. In other words, how political realities have made the Clinton Cadre melt under the pressure of Obama.
Pennsylvania Prediction
If the polls are to be believed Clinton is leading in Pennsylvania by single digits. The RCP average of Polls has Clinton leading by 5.7% over Obama. All the problems that Obama has faced seems not to have had any real effect on his poll standing. Is this true is the question, we recall New Hampshire, Obama leading and he lost by a few points. This race is over, Obama will be the nominee for the Democrats, the question is will Democrats in the state finish off this race and vote for Obama. Thus my prediction don't be surprised to see Obama win the state, could be wrong, Clinton with a big win or a small win in single digits. A small win will not work for Clinton, share of the delegates would be about even, and since she has lost her commanding lead, expect a very close race. Obama has spent more than Clinton and he could still lose but we all want to be with winners.
Clintons - Time - States
AP: Reports on the Clinton Campaign, how time is running out for the former First Lady and Senator from New York. It comes down to Pennsylvania, Senator Clinton has to win big, single digits victory is not enough, all the bad press that Obama has had should give Clinton a good victory. If a small victory, then the Clinton Campaign will be the like the Titanic, sinking, slower than the Titanic but sinking never less. Tuesday Awaits!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Clintons and the Terrorist Group
CNN: Obama's terrorist friend has come back to haunt him but also Bill Clinton. CNN report that the Obama camp has reminded the press that President Bill Clinton pardon members of the group. The issue might not be a good thing for the Clintons to use against Obama, hardly throw stones if you are in a glass house. This is not new for the Clintons.
The Debate and The Times
The Times: Review of the Democratic Debate. On the whole, Clinton 1 - Obama 0. Must Read.
The Debate and the Elite Media
Lets see how the Elite Media, on the whole Liberal deal with the debate between Clinton and Obama.
New York Times: The Debate give a good review, also see the point of questions people want answers too, another win for Clinton and Obama better have really goood answers to questions, his pastor the bitter remark, or Clinton could come in and take the prize.
The Boston Globe: Very good article, the TV Media was on the attack, asking all the tough questions they should have asking all year of Obama and Clinton. Obama thinks he still Teflon, thus did not really deal with the questions, Clinton was going for I WANT TO WIN type of debate. On the while in soccer terms, Media 1 - Candidates, Obama 1/2 and Clinton 1.
Another Clinton win, but the question that has to be asked does this matter when it comes to Obama.
Critical review of the debate, ABC given a fail grade. Have to admit it seems they asked the right questions, not the Liberal Elite Media questions that you get on CNN.
New York Times: The Debate give a good review, also see the point of questions people want answers too, another win for Clinton and Obama better have really goood answers to questions, his pastor the bitter remark, or Clinton could come in and take the prize.
ABC Debate - Dems
Of the clips of the debate I have seen over the water ( UK ) I think both Clinton and Obama have given ammunition to the Republicans. They both stated they would get out of Iraq no matter the circumstances on the ground, why not give the military plans to the enemy. Also they both stated no new taxes, wonder what memory that brings up, O yes, Bush 41. President George H.W. Bush, the father of Bush 43, made similar statements and lost re - election. Thus the Democrats have pandered to their left wing of their party over Iraq and allowed themselves to be boxed in over Iraq and Taxes, bad political mistakes that will come back to haunt them in the general election.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
June Result ?
The Boston Globe: Argues that the Super Delegates should make their minds up by June. Some Hope!!
Clinton's New Plan ?
Washington Post: A former Bill Clinton Aide, Douglas E. Schoen argues that Hillary Clinton has to go negative to win the nomination. Schoen writes the following, " She must seize the opportunity that Obama's self-acknowledged mistakes last week presented to her campaign; it is almost certainly her last chance. " After all this chance to became President wont come around again, she can only afford one result, winning at any cost.
Lieberman at the Republican Convention ?
The Hill: It would be a good move to have Senator Lieberman speak at the Republican Convention, this would appeal to Independents and those of the Jewish faith. Lieberman has shown great political courage, a Kennedy Democrat who is tough on National Security. What about a VP spot for the Senator.
Daft Brown
I see Gordon Brown has gone to the USA in plane that looks like him at the moment, in other words a plonker!!
News Cycle
CNN News: The Liberal CNN has picked up the story that Obama has not been hurt by the small town remarks. The next news cycle will be how Obama has survived the latest pot hole of his campaign. The Liberal Elite Media want Obama to win, the reason is three fold, they like him, and also white guilt, harsh but the truth and they cant stand the Clintons.
The Common Man ?
Fox News: Reports that Senator Obama has bought up his poor background to show that he is not some kind of Elite Liberal. I thought the Small Town flare up would hurt Obama, but a new LA Times poll shows that the race is close and Obama is leading in other states. Obama on the political front just might be the Democrat Reagan, a Teflon candidate that mud does not stick to and when mud is thrown, it hurts his opponents more than him. But it should be recalled these are Liberal Democrats voting, his remarks could hurt him with the rest of the country.
Is Obama about to SURGE ?
LA Times: It seems the remarks about small town American has not affected Obama as you would expect, he is close to Clinton in Pennsylvania and is leading in other states. What is interesting is the fact that a healthy does of the Clinton vote will move to McCain if Obama is the nominee. That could be the be the Ace in the hand for Clinton, if she is not the nominee, the Democrats could lose, good Ace to have in your hand.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Vodafone Mobile Broadband - Part One
Learning a new system can be hard for the learner as much as those that sell the product. I reached my limit of 50MB last night after some blogging. Well was on the phone this morning to check if I had reached my limit. Had three calls and three different answers, in all told I was okay on usage but needed to change my usage limit to 2500, but then I checked the vodafone site, the usage use showed me something different. Thus phoned Vodafone for a second time, was told that the 2500 was wrong due to being on Pro Rata for the month. Thus thought I would have to change to the 25 month rate but the call went dead, was not getting amused by this rate. After that Phone and got the right information from talking to very good agent and supervisor. The Manager was excellent, she wanted to give me the right information and was sorry about the wrong information. So far so good. Will let you know if any problems, but have to admit like Vodafone Mobile Broadband, but they need some more in house training on the MB usage and how to explain. But so far VMB has got a Alpha grade, lets hope it does not go down.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Obama and Small Town America
Fox News: Obama is on the back foot over his small town remarks, he's know attacking Clinton and McCain, that does not help, he needs to show he is not another Mondale or Kerry, a Elite Liberal who looks down at small town America.
Drudge Exclusive = McCain would prefer Clinton
Drudge Report: Reports that Senator McCain would prefer to run against Hillary Clinton. I can see why, on the whole she would be easier to defeat and the African - American vote on the whole might not vote for her if she is seen as having stolen the election. Obama could be harder to defeat, the Elite Media would have his back, McCain has to plan for both type of campaigns.
Deaths in Afghanistan
BBC News: The UK has loss two more of its armed forces personnel. This time from the RAF. The Total of UK losses know stands at 93.
Carter and Gore, THE PLAN
Fox News: Reports that Former President Jimmy Carter and Former Vice - President Al Gore plan to give the black spot to the Clinton Campaign. Don't hold your breath, the last two people the Clintons will listen to are these two.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Hillary to Bill, SHUT UP!
CNN News: Hillary has gotten the message, telling Bill to shut about Bosnia, Obama has his own major problem, simple political lesson, when your opponent is in a mess don't divert attention to your mistakes.
Obama and his Terrorist Friend
Sunday Times: Has a very interesting article on the friendship between Obama and a former terrorist, William Ayers of the The Weathermen terrorist group. Fox News has bee on this for a while, the print media always lag behind Fox, now the Sunday Times, the paper of record for the UK has run the story, the elite media in the USA will at least have to ask Obama about the this terrorist. It should be noted as Craig Shirley does in his book that this group, firebombed the house of Ronald Reagan and stated they had a bullet for him, as Ayers was part of the Weatherman, the press should ask Obama did he know that The Weatherman wanted to harm Reagan, a great President, has he asked and rebuked Ayers for the actions of this group. Come on Press get your finger out and ask the hard questions.
The Liberal Obama
Breitbart.Com: Reports that the Hillary Clinton Machine is on the march, its going to make Obama a Liberal Walter Mondale if you can, this is there chance, show Obama as some elite liberal who shares with his pastor some very loony views of the the American People. Obama needs a new on the plane person with him, a person who can tell him to shut up. At the rate Obama is going, he could lose the nomination him self.
Small Town America and Politics
BBC News: A candidate knows when he has put his big feet in the brown stuff when its gets reported here over the water, Obama's remarks in California that that small town America is cynical and bitter and keep to religion because they are losers will not go down well in Pennsylvania. This political mistake recalls Reagan in 1976 when he suggested that the Tennessee Valley Authority, TVA be sold, Reagan had been expected to win Tennessee over President Ford, he lost, Obama was cutting the Clinton lead in Pennsylvania, he will now lose the state, and it could be by a big margin.
Dr Who - The Fires of Pompeii- Review
The Doctor Who News Page: What a great second episode, The Fires of Pompeii was dramatic, funny, and shows Donna Noble in the new Tegan ( if your from the 80s, no need to explain ). Did fans get the mention that Rose was coming back, the Doctor had no clue, did miss the London Eye, no wonder he had to take his Time Lord Exam twice, but we love him still, cant wait for next week. Its on at 6.25 folks.
Friday, April 11, 2008
The Loser ?
USA Today: An article that looks at the prospect that Hillary Clinton could lose, the Elite Media wants this race over, not a good article for Hillary Clinton to read with Bill over breakfast.
The Media WANT a fight in 08 Race
Roll Call: Interesting article that argues the Hillary Clinton should not throw in the towel. It can be argued that the Clintons need a lot more these articles, the Media wants to move on to the general election fight between McCain and Obama. If you followed the last two seasons of the West Wing you can appreciate the reason why the Elite Media wants to move on. The First African - American Candidate with a chance of winning the White House and a Maverick Republican, former POW, thorn in the side of George W. Bush. Lets hope the result is not the same as it was in the West Wing.
McCain Surge in 08
CNN News: Reports that McCain has benefited from the long Democratic Race, he is even with both Clinton and Obama. If the Democratic Race lasts much longer, it will be up to McCain to lose the election.
Clinton and Truth Redux
CNN News: Well Bill Clinton to the rescue again of Hillary, in other words he is not helping. This time with the suggestion that when you reach 60 your mind goes, my old mate Bill, that does not help her at all, you make her look like she had a medical problem and is weak because you have to go out and protect your little wife. Hillary Clinton is running for President of the United States not Head Mistress.
Vodafone Mobile Broadband
I am please to report that my transfer from BT Dial up to Vodafone Mobile Broadband was a success, have to admit a few technical problems at the start, this is Computers after all, but after a quick visit my computer shop it was fixed in under 5 minutes. It should be stressed that although it is Broadband due to it being Wales, its more like Dial up but faster than BT Dial up. So readers any horror stories you have found from the transfer from Dial up to Broadband even if Dial Up Plus.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Pennsylvania Poll - Time
Time: A new poll from the state, this shows Clinton is holding on to her lead, a couple of Polls have shows Clinton in the lead. Did see yesterday that the Clinton Machine was spinning that Obama has to win the state, thought at the time it was just spin, but they just might have a point. Ever since his Pastor Obama has had difficulty is sealing the deal with the voters. Here is the
Time Poll:
Time Poll:
Obama has raised more money than Clinton, is spending more that Clinton, he has reduced her lead, most polls have her under 50%, this is his chance to finish the race. This on the other hand could be a silver lining for Clinton, she really needs to do well in the State.
The Foreign Policy of Senator McCain and Liberals
New York Times: The Liberal Times trying to show division within the Republican Camp and the soul of Senator McCain. On the one hand the realists, those that think Iraq has became a major mistake, and the Neo Conservatives who see light at the end of the tunnel for Iraq. Also want to see something done about Iran. The Neo Cons are right, we are in a 24 kind of world, weakness is not appreciated, and fear works a lot better, fear can stop action, weakness causes action. If your weak in your personal live, people will take advantage, if you are strong, people back off, its that simple and hard, a simple lesson.
Bush and Iraq
Fox News: Reports that President George W. Bush will accept the recommendation of his Military Commander in Iraq. After July there will be a halt on troop withdrawals. Iraq can not afford to be lost, Iran must also be dealt with; if the Democrats win the General Election expect a weak foreign policy; thus the Bush Administration should take out the threat from Iran.
Mobile Broadband
Well have decided to enter the 21st Century, and go from Dial up to Mobile Broadband. Request to Readers, which provider has your endorsement? Also if your mobile, you can get out, blog on current events under a nice sunny sky. That article on can Blogging and Death has made me think. SO READERS WHICH COMPANY WOULD YOU ENDORSE FOR MOBILE BROADBAND.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
The Clintons Split ?
Fox News: Reports that the Former First Family is split over a trade deal, Clinton as in Bill supports free trade, Clinton as in Hillary needs the support of the unions and thus does not want trade deals. It comes from the loss of her Chief Political Strategist, good bye Titanic Clinton Campaign.
Money Talks
Fox News: Reports that Senator McCain is to take public money to pay for General Election Campaign. The reason is simple, he is no Reagan, Clinton, or Bush when it comes to getting the money in to run a campaign. Very ironic election, the Democrats the party of getting the government to pay for everything will have private funds while the Republicans, private money should pay for everything will have public funding. Its funny old world.
Rice for VP ?
Washington Post: A call from the Liberal WP for Rice to be picked as the VP for McCain. So out there but it could work, if Obama is the Democratic Nominee would take some of the wind out of sails, an African - American, woman as the VP might just split enough votes to help McCain.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
The Left and McCain
Fox News: The ghost of Vietnam comes back to haunt American politics, due to the fact that Senator McCain was a pilot in Vietnam and dropped bombs. This had come under attack from a Liberal Senator. The McCain Camp went on the attack and the left backed off, the Senator and the Obama Camp. The McCain Campaign has to hit back hard, McCain can not afford to became another John Kerry, cant afford for the left to define him before he defines himself.
Dionne on Clinton
Washington Post: A told you so article, all the mistakes made by the Clinton Camp and how they should have taken a different route to the nomination.
Pennsylvania Poll
Rasmussen: A new poll from Pennsylvania has Clinton ahead by five points. With the money Obama has Clinton is going to find it hard to keep a lead within the state. The Poll finds the following:
Clinton 48 %
Obama 43 %
Obama needs to win or be close to Clinton. The race will then be over for the Clinton Camp.
Iraq Progress ?
BBC News: Reports that General David Petraeus the Officer in charge of American efforts in Iraq has reported progress but is going to suggest that the USA halt planned withdrawal of troops. The progress made still needs the presence of American troops, the USA can not afford to lose Iraq, thus the political leadership should follow the advice of the General.
Monday, April 07, 2008
New Pennsylvania Poll
American Research Group, Inc.: A new poll has the Democratic Race even. It should be recalled that Obama is spending a lot of money in the state, he raised forty million, Clinton half that amount. If Obama can win its over, still think Clinton has a chance in the state. The result of the poll is as follows, the poll was taken between the 5/6 April.
Clinton 45 %
Obama 45 %
If was a Republican would vote for Clinton, this will keep her in the race, in fact would get all my Republicans friends to vote for her, give her a big lead over Obama. If was being cynical, if Clinton can win big in the state this will keep her in the race and keep the Democratic Race going to the convention, of course if I was a cynic.
The Final Judge ?
Newsweek: Interesting article that looks at a way to get Hillary Clinton out of the race if she does not do well in the up and coming votes. Rather good idea get an old Clinton hand to deliver the black spot, have my doubts, looked what the Clintons did to Governor Richardson.
Penn OUT
Time: Looks at the background of the departure of Mark Penn. It can be argued that Penn is the reason Hillary Clinton will lose the Democratic Nomination. The Clintons need for total loyalty had reached Richard Nixon levels, even when others shouted for change in planning the Clintons did not listen, loyalty becomes before a fall.
RCP Delegate Count
RCP: By the count of this respected political site, Obama is one hundred and thirty five delegates ahead of Hillary Clinton. Clinton needs to win big in the up and coming votes, she needs to win the popular vote, if no popular vote lead its over for Hillary Clinton.
The Sinking of the Clinton Ship
New York Times: Its interesting that the departure of Mark Penn, Clinton's Chief Political Strategist, made the news over the water, at the same time it was out in the USA. The actual incidents shows I think that the experts know its over for Clinton, Penn would not relinquish his business and in fact conducting a policy for his company that was opposed by Hillary Clinton. If Clinton had a real chance of winning would Penn have allowed this problem to develop, your not going lose money if you think the campaign is not going to work. There is loyalty but there is loyalty to one self at the end of the day.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Bloggers and Death
New York Times: Can doing a Blog kill you? Must Read of the Day.
Obama Camp
CNN: Reports that the McCain camp is not happy that Obama has not followed his example and disavowed a Radio Talk Show host. Obama it seems is all talk no action, its called a lack of leadership. When McCain saw the attack on Obama he attacked the messenger, Obama has not shown such leadership.
It Starts, The Titanic of the Clinton Campaign
The Boston Globe: It starts slow, the water comes in, slow at first then the water gets heavy and the ship goes down. The above is a Metaphor for the article in the Boston Globe, some in the Clinton Camp can see the light. In other words support Obama.
Super Delegates on the Fence
Washington Post: Interesting article that looks at the way the Super Delegates are going in the Democratic Race, they are on the fence, typical Democrats. Must Read of the Day.
New York Times: A radio talk show host has put the Obama camp on the defensive, he has called Senator John McCain a warmonger, McCain wants the Obama to disavow such attack on him, the one person you cant call that is McCain. A War hero, lets be honest none of the candidates can match McCain when it comes to his War Record. Advice to Obama Camp, send the message out, no such attacks or the person is out.
McCain and the New York Times
New York Times: It seems having failed to create a scandal from his supposed relationship with a Lobbyist, the LIBERAL New York Times, has decided to throw caution to wind and go after McCain's son who is in Iraq. Think Prince Harry in Afghanistan.
Dr Who - Review
The Dr Who News Page: The Doctor is back, with Donna and a hat box, first two great, not sure about the hat box. Also Rose is Back, the heart and soul of Dr Who are back together. Fun and dramatic first show, why do I get the feeling its going to get darker as the series goes on. Also it is reported that Dr Who was the most watched programme on BBC 1 even with its early start.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Clinton Mean Machine Redux
The Times: Reports that the Clinton Mean Machine is telling the Super Delegates that Obama cant win the General. Hillary Clinton is doing the work of the Republicans. The Clinton Machine has bought Obama down to earth, he just another politician on the make, while McCain is a American Hero.
1976 and 2008
While reading Reagan's Revolution, The Untold Story of the Campaign that started it all, by Craig Shirley, I noticed a similarity between 1976 and 2008, a State that Reagan was expected to win and delegates that had the option to jump ship as in uncommitted or Super Delegates in 2008. In 1976 Reagan was expected to win Tennessee but lost to President Ford, could Obama win Pennsylvania, or come close to Clinton, if he manages that he has won the nomination. The difference between uncommitted and super delegates is that the super delegates tend to be office holders, they need the African - American vote in the urban cities, they will support Obama. Also as Shirley points out the numbers are different, under two hundred in 1976, eight hundred in 2008. If you want to understand 2008 go and buy and read Reagan's Revolution, lot more informative and fun than the present mess in the Democratic Party.
Battlestar Galactica New Season
New York Times: Don't agree with the Liberal New York Times most of the time, but they are one hundred percent right, Battlestar Galactica is one of the best dramas on TV. Your lucky USA to get to see the series early, GREEN WITH ENVY OVER THE WATER!!
Clinton Legacy and the Presidency
FT: A great article explains why Hillary Clinton is still in the race for President. Must Read of the Day.
Pennsylvania Poll
Inside Advantage: Reports a new poll from Pennsylvania, another poll to show to show that the Clinton lead is in the single digits. Inside Advantage Poll has the following results for the 08 Race.
Clinton 45 %
Obama 42 %
Clinton 45 %
Obama 42 %
If Clinton does not win big in Pennsylvania or if Obama can win its over for Hillary Clinton. As Obama has stated this movie was fun but its going on to long, lets hope the great state of Pennsylvania ends this once great show, we have a general election to get started and time is running out for the Democrats.
President Carter
New York Times: President Jimmy Carter is supporting Obama, although as the NYT states he did not come full out to support Obama he made it clear who is family and state are supporting. Add that Super Delegate to the Obama Camp. It should be noted that the Clintons never had much time for President Carter, in fact he was a real pain in many respects, no change in some respects.
Stealing Delegates
RCP: Hillary Clinton has confirmed a rumour that has being doing the rounds; the Clinton Machine sees the pledge delegates of Obama as fair game, they want to convert them to the Clinton cours. The Clinton Mean Machine is going to try and steal the Obama Delegates, not the super delegates but the delegates he has won fair and square. This is without out doubt gutter politics at its worst. Does the Clinton ego want to destroy the Democratic Party.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Clinton Redux on Domestic Agenda
The problem for Clinton is that McCain is not the problem. The problem is Obama, and this re - show but with a change message shows how broke the Clintons really are, could they not afford new stuff, Hillary Clinton is on the way out of this race.
The Doctor is Back ( UK TV )
The Doctor Who News Page: The good Doctor is back, and later on Rose, final full season before a break in 2009. If Hillary Clinton has used the Doctor as an example of never giving up would have supported her, I guess its a over the water thing, Dr Who also on in the USA. Dr Who. 6.20pm on Saturday.
Lee Hamilton supports Obama
Fox News: Reports that Lee Hamilton, Vice Chair of the 9/11 Commission is to support Obama, this will help Obama on the Foreign Policy front, Hamilton is respected in this field and Obama is weak when it comes to Foreign Policy. McCain will find it easy to attack Obama on Foreign Policy. One can see his supporters stating, " McCain was a Prisoner of War for years, what was Obama doing, showed leadership what did Obama do, stay and listen to a racist pastor. " That just off the top of my head, think what the experts will do to Obama Campaign.
New Poll in Pennsylvania
Public Policy Polling: A new poll from Pennsylvania, and the Clinton lead has gone, the polls have shown that Obama is getting closer to Clinton. Last Poll on this blog had a five point lead for Clinton. This Poll shows a lead for Obama by Two percent. Here is the result:
Obama 45 %
Clinton 43 %
Obama 45 %
Clinton 43 %
If Obama can win this state, its over for Clinton. It could explain why Bill Clinton is losing the plot with Super Delegates, the Former President is bright enough to know its over, but Hillary supported him in 1998, for a change Clinton might just be doing the right thing even if its a loser for him.
Bill Clinton lost the PLOT Again!!
San Francisco Chronicle: Behind The Spin article by SFC, it seems that Bill Clinton is losing the plot again, he seems to agree with the Judas remark of Clinton Cadre 1, and that Hillary Clinton should get a be Crowned as President. He himself destroyed that chance in 1998. If Bill Clinton wants to know why she might lose, he should look at himself.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
ABC NEWS: Reports on the new movie by Oliver Stone, its about George W. Bush. His Nixon was not bad, in fact quite sympathetic to Nixon, have my doubts about a similar movie on Bush 41. Who is going to play Ronald Reagan?.
1976 = 2008 ?
New York Times: Interesting article on how a tough Nomination fight can have a negative effect on the General Election. Are the Democrats repeating 1976. Recall Carter on the whole easy fight in 1976, Ford had a tough fight and lost in November. McCain on the whole early win while the Democrats could go on till August.
Clintons NOT Cool Anymore!!
Washington Post: Dionne on how the Clintons have lost their magic. Worth a Read Today.
Clinton and the National Convention
The Politico: Has a very interesting article on how problematic it would be for Hillary Clinton to get Florida and Michigan seated at the National Convention. Must Read of the Day.
Pennsylvania Poll
Rasmussen: A new poll in Pennsylvania shows the Obama effect, Clinton is leading by just five percent. If Obama could win a big state like Pennsylvania, the race would be over for Clinton. Time for Republicans to vote in the Democratic Primary for Obama. Here are the poll findings:
Clinton 47 %
Obama 42 %
If Obama wins the Democratic Nomination he could be the modern President Ford. He wins the nomination but the damage done to him over the Primaries and Caucus's fight could hand the White House over to McCain.
UK Troops Stay in Iraq
BBC News: Reports that the planned Troop reduction from Iraq has been halted. The problems in Basra has shown how fragile a peace there is in the South. The Government should consider an increase in troops as to send a message that the UK will not be pushed out of Iraq.
Texas Win for Obama
Fox News: Reports that Senator Obama overall, that includes the Primary and Caucus has won Texas, at the end of a very long day ( a day not being 24 hours in Texas ) Obama has 99 delegates and Clinton 94. At end of the day a 5 delegate margin. Please no more results from Texas, the vote has been a national disgrace, makes the polls in New Hampshire look good, Texas hold your head in shame.
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