CNN: I used to be fan of CNN in the early years, but over the years with the arrival of Fox News, one has come to see how much in the pocket of the Democratic Party CNN is at the moment. All the other reports even the New York Times see that Senator Hillary Clinton has a bad debate, CNN underplays the whole debate. What a pity for a great network.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
2008 Update
Some articles that might be worth a read:
Washington Post: Interesting view by the WP, they write the following on the political attacks on Clinton, " accusing her of being dishonest and of emboldening President Bush to declare war against Iran. " The article has lot more in Iran, the Elite Media after having been burned by the Iraq war don't have the stomach for a war with Iran. Hillary Clinton to her credit knows that Iran has to be dealt with but that does her no good in the Democratic Party. I have said nice things about Hillary, what a funny world.
Time To the point and factual, " If she loses the nomination, tonight will go down in history as the first step to her defeat " Reagan had a bad debate in 1984 but still won big in November of 84. The Clinton Machine is still going, but it can be prevented from winning by Obama.
RCP Blog: How the debate could effect the race and how the media will keep the story going as they don't want a coronation for Hillary Clinton.
New York Times: Review the Democratic Debate, we are no longer in "Hillary Land" Obama and Edwards on the attack through out the debate. Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton, she might win the Democratic nomination but she wont win the General Election, while Obama might not win the nomination but could win the General Election. That is why American Politics is fun.
Washington Post: Interesting view by the WP, they write the following on the political attacks on Clinton, " accusing her of being dishonest and of emboldening President Bush to declare war against Iran. " The article has lot more in Iran, the Elite Media after having been burned by the Iraq war don't have the stomach for a war with Iran. Hillary Clinton to her credit knows that Iran has to be dealt with but that does her no good in the Democratic Party. I have said nice things about Hillary, what a funny world.
Time To the point and factual, " If she loses the nomination, tonight will go down in history as the first step to her defeat " Reagan had a bad debate in 1984 but still won big in November of 84. The Clinton Machine is still going, but it can be prevented from winning by Obama.
RCP Blog: How the debate could effect the race and how the media will keep the story going as they don't want a coronation for Hillary Clinton.
Clinton another Dean ?
The Politico: Its seems Hillary Clinton did not have a good debate, that is not an end in itself, but if you play in to the critical view that you cant be trusted it does not help. Obama and Edwards are very close to Clinton in Iowa, they might be thinking this is the time to take her on and cause her major political damage, make her fight hard for Iowa. If Obama and Edwards can come first and second in Iowa then Clinton will have to win N.H. A Obama win in Iowa could see him win the Democratic Nomination in 2008.
Monday, October 29, 2007
New York Times and Iran
New York Times: Another editorial by the Times, one has to ask, have they learned nothing from the 1930s and Appeasement. The Paper of Record seems to think that talking with Iran and making them feels safe will push Iran in to giving up its Nuclear armed aspirations. The reverse is true, they will use the time to build their weapons, they will string out the process and then we have a nuclear armed Iran. Then Israel will attack then we just might have WW3. President George W. Bush might not be their favorite President of the Times but it does not make him wrong when it comes to Iran.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Dead then Publish
U.S News & World Report: The Private Thoughts of President Gerald R. Ford that he wanted published after his death. The author was on Meet the Press today, Ford had a critical view of President Ronald Reagan. But as with all things there is context, after President Reagan announced his illness Ford did not say a negative thing about the President. The context of this critical view has its origins back in the 1970s. In 1976 Ford ran for election in his own right, but he was opposed by Ronald Reagan, Ford was successful in the early rounds but Reagan being Reagan would not give up and started to catch up with Ford in later rounds of the election process. In the end Ford won but it was small win, the Reagan speech at the convention showed the Party had picked the wrong man. The Ford Camp thought Reagan had not done enough to support the President in the General Election with Jimmy Carter. The election of 1976 was very close, few points, Ford lost. In 1980 Reagan thought about putting Ford on the ticked as Vice - President, but in a political mistake Ford went on air and stated what was his price to be on the ticket. He wanted to be co - president, Reagan was not amused and picked George Bush and the rest is history. Today all the Republicans want to be Ronald Reagan, even Obama has a good things to say about Reagan, Reagan was a great, even Bush 43 wants to be considered a Reagan President not his father. If your Ford that can be very hard to take, no matter how nice you are, you want to be considered great if your a President of the United States.
Iran, Liberals and the Truth
Chicago Sun - Times: The first line tells you all you need to know, "Americans don't want to be tricked into another unjustified, unvetted war. " The Elite Media is in Appeasement mode with Iran. The Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Sun - Times, who else, what a shame for American Press Intelligence.
Is Obama Tough Enough to Be POTUS
New York Times: One thing about Ronald Reagan he won, and he won big, you can be nice to those in your Party after you win. Interesting article in the NYT on the campaign of Senator Obama. The Senator is going to up his game, take Hillary Clinton on, it seems that he failed to learn a very important lesson, Bill and in some respects Hillary Clinton are very good, not great but good at winning elections. The NYT writes the following, "........amid growing signs that Mr. Obama was looking for a fresh start for his campaign after nine months in which his aides said they were startled by the effectiveness of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, and worried that her support was not as brittle as they had once believed. " Well its nearly November and Iowa votes are less than 12 weeks away, so if Obama wants to win, starting being tough now, be in Iowa 24/7, became a Resident of the place if need be, as long as he wins or its over.
Liberals and Iran
Washington Post: Another article that could be written by the Howard Dean and that's not a compliment. Why do the Elite Papers have an aversion to the truth of International Politics, they take comfort from words of peace for Iran that have been used for years to play out a process that leads to a nuclear armed Iran. The WP should know better, Iran will use the weakness of Liberals in the USA to play out a long game and when its to late announce that it has a the bomb. Israel will not allow this then we just might have WW3. The Elite Media should be stronger it should be tough on Iran, not fall for a slight scraps of peace which are an illusion. The attack is coming on Iran, WP GROW UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE DON'T BECAME THE NEW YORK TIMES.
Iraq Planning
BBC: The BBC having a go at Tony Blair for post war planning in Iraq. There is one Iron Rule of warfare, a military plan does not survive the first shot. Grow Up BBC and look at your self when it comes to planning or lack of planning with your Budget.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Case for Attacking Iran
Daily Telegraph: Interesting interview with Norman Podhoretz on the need to attack Iran by air. As stated in this blog, its a matter of WHEN not IF. MUST READ OF THE DAY
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Iran and the Media
Lets have a look at what the Beltway Echo is on Iran.
Boston Globe: One word folks, Appeasement, what an Editorial, like something out of the 1930s. Here is what BG thinks is a good policy, " The threats from Bush and Cheney only make it harder to determine whether there is any deal Iran would accept to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons. " The paper is missing the point, the West should define the deal that protects the interest of the West full stop. To be honest I don't care about the Security of Iran, only within a context of Western Security. Read this editorial to understand the American left, be very afraid for the security of the West if they had any influence of American Foreign Policy.
Washington Post: The post hits the nail on the head, " Iran has become the new Iraq " Hillary Clinton is smart enough to know that she cant box herself in as a peace nick when it comes to Iran or the 2008 election is over. Those that oppose her from Obama to Edwards wont win, that is the hard fact, the press wont say it, they need a political race, they have to justify their bar pills. The Liberal Media Elite in its own way because it hates the Bush Administration beyond its hatred of Richard Nixon wants to box in the next President, they want a Democratic President. Hillary Clinton I hope wont play their silly game, as possibly the next President she might have to deal with Iran and take military action.
Boston Globe: One word folks, Appeasement, what an Editorial, like something out of the 1930s. Here is what BG thinks is a good policy, " The threats from Bush and Cheney only make it harder to determine whether there is any deal Iran would accept to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons. " The paper is missing the point, the West should define the deal that protects the interest of the West full stop. To be honest I don't care about the Security of Iran, only within a context of Western Security. Read this editorial to understand the American left, be very afraid for the security of the West if they had any influence of American Foreign Policy.
Iran Sanctions
BBC: Reports the USA will place sanctions on the Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and other assets, military to economic. These should be smart sanctions, we don't want another reply of the BBC showing the sanctions hurting the people of Iran. These sanctions should hurt the government structure and their assets. This has some recall of what happened with Iraq, but Bush does not have have decade to change the administration in Iran. If the sanctions don't work, then a major naval blockaded of Iran must be considered. This should have a limited time span. If the Government or the people fail to react then a heavy limited Strikes should take place within Iran. The Clock has started and it is not early in the process, time for peace is not long, there can only be one winner and that has to be the West.
BBC: A guide to Afghanistan, worth a read.
NATO and Afghanistan
BBC: Reports that NATO countries are to give more support to the NATO mission. I want their troops to take some of the burden, fed up with the UK and the USA doing the heavy lifting. Our troops are in constant battle, but it seems we have been shafted ( VIEWS HAS VERY STRONG VIEWS ABOUT THIS MISSION ) by our supposed friends. This is the time for Europe to get off its backside and help.
Thatcher and Reagan
Margaret Thatcher Foundation: Has links to many documents that cover the Thatcher - Reagan period. To this day VIEWS is surprised that the BBC had not done a show on these very important and interesting documents.
Vietnam Records
A interesting site for a curious reader. Previous secret files from the Vietnam Era. It is from the past that we can learn about the present and future.
The Vietnam War Declassification Project
The Vietnam War Declassification Project
British Blogs Update
Xmas Vote ?
CNN: Reports on the mess that is the process that will select the next President of the United States. Those candidates running for President in the Republican and Democratic race might as well cancel their Xmas festivities, with Iowa going for January 3rd and New Hampshire even considering going in December. What a way to run a selection process. This looks like Florida 2000 again, how fun that was, NOT!!.
The Real Senate at Work!!
The New York Times: Has a fuller Report on the Bush victory of getting a Judge passed by the Senate. Good Reporting by the NYT, it was a deal, the Judge got passed but the Republicans would help the Democrats on some issues. This is how the Senate should work, making the place work is not meant to be pretty. THE NYT could not help itself, went through the reasons why the Judge should not have been approved, have a wild guess all Liberal concerns. All good issues but nothing to do with the competence of the Judge.
The Past is the Future ?
If you look in to the past you see yourself, is the USA the modern Rome. Are we seeing the Bush and Clinton Dynasties as the successors to their Roman kin. The reader will be wondering where this post is going and why the title. Simple Reader, lost books from the Roman period could be found in Herculaneum, thus the past is the future.
The Times: Reports the following, " Archaeologists have resumed their search for a library of Greek and Latin masterpieces that is thought to lie under volcanic rock at the ancient Roman site of Herculaneum. " This is great reporting by the Times, over the years it has followed such events and recalled to our jaded eyes that we are part of a long history. The past is the future.
Victory for Bush
CNN: Interesting article, President George W. Bush has gotten a controversial Judge approved by the Senate. The Liberals of course opposed the nomination, thus those running for President on the Democrat side voted against the nomination. It does not matter if a Judge is good these days, in the mind of the left, he has to support their views of the world or they will go on the attack. Bush is not quite a Lame Duck President, but it will come that's politics.
The War that will Never End
The Guardian: 9/11 is a day that nearly three thousand people died due to an act of Terrorism. The Liberal and left wing Media, due to their hatred of Bush cant deal with the threats from Islamic Terrorists or the threat from Iran. They seek to place blame on the USA. Its sad but more important its foolish, the Bush Administration has done what needed to be done.
Terror and the Elite Media
LA Times: Its nice to see the loony left at it again, this time its the LA Times. They are opposed to the confirmation of the New Attorney General because he is more interested in the security of the United States not if the LA Times likes him. The Paper wrote the following, " This confirmation vote should be about torture. It is truly a defining issue, not just of the meaning of torture but of the very character of our country. It is the issue that distinguishes a nation fighting for the rule of law from a nation that is a threat to it. If members of the Senate consider torture to be immoral, they must vote against Mukasey. " The New Attorney General refused to surrender the security of the USA to the left wing media. These are tough times, if VIEWS had UBL in custody, Water Boarding would be least of his worries. These are terrorists they give no quarter they should expect no quarter. They have to be hunted down, information got out of them and then thrown in jail and the key thrown away.
The Guardian: Interesting attempt to place the conflict in Iraq within the context of the 2008 Presidential race and its effect on the Democrats. Its off beam if it thinks John Edwards or Bill Richardson can win the Democratic Nomination. This is for Hillary Clinton to lose not for any one else to win.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Iran on the Brink
TJP: Interesting article that looks at how Israel sees the problem of Iran and the methods that might be needed if Diplomacy fails. DIPLOMACY HAS FAILED THE CLOCK IS ON.
More on Iran
New York Times: Reports that Iran will not move when it comes to the issue of nuclear development. This is an interesting article, it shows that Iran is not united on the issue but for the NYT you have to ask why it is written the way it is, simple answer folks, when the Bush Administration wants to be tough with Iran the paper will say that there is opposition in Iran and the Bush Administration should wait, one can almost write the script one self.
Iran and Future Developments
The next few weeks even months you will see a lot of posts about Iran. The drum beat has started it just a matter of when not if the West will attack Iran.
Tripp and Edwards and 2008
Washington Post: Interesting article in the WP, it looks how Joe Trippi has effected the John Edwards Campaign since he has become more active in the campaign. This tells us that the Elite Media does not want Hillary Clinton to have an Coronation in the Democratic Party. As the WP notes Mr Trippi was behind the campaign of Howard Dean, yes President Dean.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
New A.G Part Two
WSJ: A review of the confirmation hearing of Judge Michael Mukasey for Attorney General. The paper is impressed with defence of the President and his authority under the USA Constitution. In other words the Democrats wont be happy.
Not WW3 ?
New York Times: Interesting article in the NYT on the reaction to the view in the White House that a Nuclear Armed Iran could lead to WW3. The paper of record takes a different view, its shows a picture from a seminal American TV movie, The Day after, done in the mid 80s to show the USA after a War. Ironic it was shown here in the UK on the Sci- Fi Channel. The paper of record sees it as " more like chess " game within the context of the USA and Russian relationship. That's the problem with the New York Times, it sees what it wants to see, this hard ball politics, its a chess game yes but the object of the game is to prevent a nuclear armed Iran. If Diplomacy fails and it will, the games will end and the West will have to hit Iran hard. The winner can only be the West, nothing less would be a victory for Iran, and we are back to the 1930s again, then Israel would have to hit Iran from the Air, and if that happens that could cause havoc in the Middle East. The West, UK, USA and France must act to protect the national security of the West.
Iran Threat ?
Sunday Times ( UK ): A very interesting article in the Sunday Times, the heating up of the forth coming confrontation with Iran. The Paper states the following, " BRITISH special forces have crossed into Iran several times in recent months as part of a secret border war against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Al-Quds special forces. " It can be formulated that a attack on Iran will occur within a year, Iran is not willing to give up its development of a nuclear weapon, its a threat to Western interests in Iraq and Afghanistan. The time for Diplomacy is not long, if the government in Iran wont change its policy and the people are to afraid to take action the UK and the USA and even France will have to hit Iran hard from the air. The Special forces of the West should be in Iran NOW, they should use the time to create resistance networks within the country, scout for sites that have nuclear development, also if possible disturb the civic structure and economy, or least have plans to act if the order should come. THE ORDER WILL COME THAT IS THE SAD PART.
Afghanistan Troops
BBC: Reports that the UK might send more troops to Afghanistan, this is not a good idea, my views on our deployment in Afghanistan is on record. What about our NATO allies, its about time they spent their treasure in Forces and Money. Troops in to Iraq yes, not to Afghanistan. Nice people on the whole but they don't like foreign troops on their soil for a long time.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
World War Three ?

The Elite Media has started to go wild, President George W. Bush stated that if Iran had the bomb then World Wart Three was a threat, thus a Nuclear Iran had to be stopped. Here is the full question and answer.
But this -- we got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon. I take the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon very seriously. And we'll continue to work with all nations about the seriousness of this threat. Plus we'll continue working the financial measures that we're in the process of doing. In other words, I think -- the whole strategy is, is that at some point in time, leaders or responsible folks inside of Iran may get tired of isolation and say, this isn't worth it. And to me, it's worth the effort to keep the pressure on this government.
I still think the Bush Administration after diplomacy fails and it will fail will hit Iran hard but only by air power before the election. This would be a very wise move, the next administration might not have the will to act when it comes to Iran.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
New A.G
Washington Post: Then WP is following the New York Times Liberal line when it comes to the law and terrorism. The hearings for the New Attorney General have began, they want promises on issues that will be around for years.
Libeals are worried?
The New York Observer: New York Liberals are worried, interesting article in the Observer, all the old Giuliani enemies are out to attack. The point he won in New York City, and his successor was a Republican for a time. The article states the following from the left in New York, " Mr. Giuliani’s detractors lament that his strong showing is a freakish anomaly caused by the overall weakness of the Republican field. " The other argument being of course that Giuliani is a strong candidate. Of course if Giuliani can put New York in play during the election then Hillary Clinton will have to spend money to secure her own state, let the fun begin...
Ronald Reagan Crown ?
President Ronald Reagan left office on the 20 January 1989, he died in 2004 after a long illness when kept him out of public view. In 2007 we have a debate between Senator Obama and Mayor Giuliani, a Democrat and a Republican as to whom the Reagan Crown should go to. There was only one Ronald Reagan, but these two have some of his qualities. The one quality they need to show is winning.
The History Question
The one thing about History is that it never ends, all nations have are guilty of something at some time. World War One is an interest of VIEWS, thus the question as to if a crime committed more than a Century ago by one nation on another nation can be judged today. Thus we come to the Armenian genocide question and the resolution by the USA House of Representatives? The actions of the Ottoman Empire and its killing of the Armenian people was a genocide, that is beyond debate, the question is what about NOW. We the UK and the USA are fighting a War on Terror, we need the Turkey. The past shall never be lost or forgotten but we have troops in harms way NOW. The Turkey of today has to deal with this issue but we due to the political and military situation have to protect our troops, thus NOW is not the time for such a vote, we have to be harsh and realistic, future different question, but we shall not forget.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
New Great Game ?
New York Times: Reports that in many respects that Russia has give a blank cheque to Iran to developed in Nuclear Bomb. The NYT reports that the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin has stated that force should not even be mentioned. In other words Iran and its government should be allowed to develop the bomb. I think the West will look back at the end of the USSR and the coming of President Putin as the golden years of the relationship between the West and Russia. What we are seeing is a New Great Game, this is not about ideology as in the Cold War, this is about power and its use, something we who look at International Politics can understand, Russia is not a Military threat as in the " those good old Cold War Days " its aims are more subtle the use of its natural resources to gain influence and bend nations to its will. I like to to think that the new elite in the Russian Government understand that they have no hope in hell of developing a military threat, the USA would bankrupt them to hell and back, Reagan did once another President can do the same. Russia is looking to those nations in the Middle East, Iran and Syria and in the Southern America's to help show that Russia still is a power. The next few years should be interesting as long as those in Russia understand that the showing of an image, a powerful Russia with influence around the World is a less than reality. The Image only works if it never tested, if tested it will fail, sending old military planes to UK so the RAF have to escort them out is irritating but that just irritating, the only worry is that Russia might fall for its own illusion then the New Great Game will became very cold at best or worse very hot in some places.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Are Liberals Bonkers ?
The Nation: The Bible of Liberals has another go at Congress for not stopping the War in Iraq and doing more in their view to prevent another war in Iran. Are Liberals bonkers and should they have the VOTE.?
Palestinian State ?
BBC News: VIEWS is smelling a deal in the Middle East. When it comes to the question of Israel and Palestine, the one power that can place pressure on Israel is the USA. If the USA wants a two State solution it will get one. No one will be happy with the deal, that's for sure, but if everyone is unhappy it might be a good deal. Watch this Space.
New York Times: A very odd article by the NYT when it comes to the Israeli attack on Syria. It seems that the NYT cant discuss other Middle East problems without going back to Iraq. The lack of critical reaction in the region is mentioned but only in the broad context that a real threat from Syria and as we now know that Iraq was not a threat. Worth a Read just to see how mixed up the Elite Media is in New York.
NTA Voting
Well folks its awards season, this times its the National Television Awards. The same as last year VIEWS will be voting for Dr Who. This means Mr David Tennant for Best Actor, Freema Agyeman for Best Actress, and Dr Who for Best Drama. Come on Vote, lets honour a great show, the one and only Dr Who.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Nuclear Syria
New York Times: A interesting article on the attack on Syria by Israel, the NYT states that the attack was on a " partly constructed nuclear reactor ". This is interesting but why does the NYT got to bat for Syria of all countries, it writes the following, " whether the Syrians could make a plausible case that the reactor was intended to produce electricity. " One has to be fair that the article does state that the countries in the region have been quite with the exception of Syria. Does NYT hate Bush so much that will cover for Syria. The paper goes after Vice - President again, because he is a hawk when it comes to North Korea. The paper should stick to getting good stories not allowing its own views to come on the front page.
Downfall ?
Its a new era alright, the Major years are back, who would like to make a sportsman bet ( e.g no money ) that Gordon Brown wont be the Prime Minister at the next election. If I was Brown I would start to worry, all this talk of support needed recalls the days of Sir John Major and he and won an Election. If the Polls are like this after a year, I think Labour will get rid of Brown its harder to replace a Labour Leader but if its a choice between having Gordon Brown as Prime Minister and the Conservatives winning I think the Powers that be will have a quiet word, perhaps Tony Blair requires a Deputy to help him in the Middle East. The Clock has started and Brown does not have long to turn around the Polls. Its a pity after ten years of waiting to be Prime Minister Gordon Brown has blown it in two weeks. But again a week is a long time in politics, we shall see..
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Joe Lieberman
National Review: An interesting article on Senator Joe Lieberman. A Senator who does have a Profile in Courage. He was with the President when it was needed. Just wish he would leave the Democrats and became a Republican.
Gore Reviews
A look at the reviews for Al Gore Winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
LA Times: In a way supportive of Gore but only in the context that Gore is popular because Bush is down in the polls. WORTH A READ.
New York Times: One gets the impression that the NYT does not want Al Gore to run for President. They want so Hillary so badly they can not afford for a Nobel Prize winner to ruin their views of the world.
LA Times: In a way supportive of Gore but only in the context that Gore is popular because Bush is down in the polls. WORTH A READ.
New York Times ( Editorial ): An interesting line at then when talking about green issues, " We cannot afford to squander any more time. " Its a pity that the Paper does not have the same views when it comes to bread and butter issues like Iraq and Terrorism. Climate Change is a long term issue, terrorists can kill you tomorrow. National Security first and last, the NYT does not get that, sorry state for a paper that broke the Titanic Story in 1912.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Republican Debate Result
A look at how the media has graded the Debate:
Giuliani ahead again followed by Romney, McCain, Thompson. As Thompson didn't fall asleep and turned up that was the bar the Media had set, this debate was a success for him.
Giuliani and Thompson winners. The Rest can do better. Another good report card for Thompson, the next Gipper?
Weekly Standard
A rather nice line by the WS on Fred Thompson, " Not bad for a rookie in the big league of presidential debates." Thompson just could be the next Ronald Reagan, but we have a long time to go before we have the New Gipper.
Weekly Standard
A rather nice line by the WS on Fred Thompson, " Not bad for a rookie in the big league of presidential debates." Thompson just could be the next Ronald Reagan, but we have a long time to go before we have the New Gipper.
None of the Candidates seem to have made much of an impression, even Thompson. Is this a Democratic Review!!
Good Reviews for Thompson and Giuliani, Romney and McCain still in the fight. A interesting Read.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The Dean Factor ?
CNN: Reports that Senator Edwards seems to think that Senator Clinton is the next Howard Dean. I so wish, have my doubts.
Republican Debate
The readers of this blog might have noticed that VIEWS does seem to stress his time on the Democrats, well its true, they might win the White House in 2008. On the Democratic side, VIEWS would support Obama if he wanted the job more and was willing to fight hard to win. On the Republican side its more harder to choose a candidate.
Washington Post: Looks at the up and coming Debate and what Fred Thompson has to do to get some poll movement. Have to admit he is not the Gipper but its early.
The Politico: Looks at the prospects of Fred Thompson in the debate. It should be recalled that a Strong performance from Reagan at the start of a Presidential Debate lead to the Oval Office.
Post 9/11 and the Democrats
New York Times: After all the shouting it looks like the Congress will give the Administration what it wants when it comes to Bugging people. Some reality from the Democrats in Congress at last. The Stress of the article is of course what you would expect from the NYT, LIBERAL, they seem out of shape even with the Liberal Congress, have they lost the plot totally.
The Law and Justice
Law and Justice sometimes match, but sometimes the law and Justice can be two different peaks, the middle on the whole is the best that can be achieved. In the case of terrorism tough law and Justice have to match, the US Supreme Court has upheld that National Security is more important than rights in Terrorist cases. This might look unfair and it is unfair but in this day age its better to make a mistake than follow the spirit of the law which cant get people killed.
Gore For POTUS
The Times: Reports that Former Vice -President could win the Nobel Prize for Peace. Looks at the prospects of him running in 2008. I think if he wins, the chance of beating Hillary Clinton will be to much of a draw. Its was the Impeachment of Bill Clinton that cost him the Presidency in 2000.
Update: POTUS = President of the United States (Its a White House tracking system term for the President )
Monday, October 08, 2007
Deaths in Afghanistan
The level of deaths in Afghanistan now stands at 82. There will be more that is for certain in less NATO can develop a new policy and other NATO countries share the load.
Iraq and the UK
Its seems Gordon Brown will use almost any thing to get out of trouble, removing troops from Iraq is the worse thing he can do, tension with Iran is developing, there are problems in Basra. The policy of the British Government, remove troops when they might be needed and to put them in to the hell hole that is Afghanistan. What about the other way around, troops out of Afghanistan and move them to Iraq. Gordon " Bottle it " Brown is starting to make the Major years nearly look like the golden years.
Dean, Clinton and Iowa
The one thing the Main Stream Media don't want is a Coronation for Hillary Clinton, if the Democratic Nomination race is over who is going to buy the papers, magazines, read the web sites and blogs. That's the dirty secret, we that read and make a living out of politics never say, does any one outside the Clinton Family house hold believe that Hillary Clinton can get over 50 % in any General Election for President. Hillary Clinton is very smart, smarter that Bill even but and here the point, she is not Bill Clinton when it comes to politics, those that support her might not want to see that fact but its true. As her bad reaction to a questions shows in Iowa, she alright when she has everything under control but an election and the Presidency is the one thing you don't control. If Hillary Clinton is elected and something goes wrong she is not Bill, she has no charm, sorry to say, you can almost see the mind working out the next political move, aka Gordon Brown over the election.
If I was in an Democratic Opposition camp this temper tantrum in Iowa is the chance to cut the Clinton campaign down to size. If it was a man they would be in there like the wind, Hillary Clinton is a feminist of in way; not over affairs it seems; go after her, be like that voter in Iowa, force her off her Thrown and make her earn the Presidency. I hard tough campaign always works as in the General the Republicans don't consider Clinton Royalty.
Clinton off the rails !
One thing about modern politics, you can have a great campaign staff and all the money in the world, aka Hillary Clinton but and this is the major but, as a candidate you cant hide who is the real person. Its shows when Hillary Clinton is challenged by voters who are in the same party she acts as if its a personal affront. One gets the impression, that the Queen expects loyalty even from humble voters. What would Hillary Clinton be like if President, is she another Richard Nixon ?, how would she react to the rest of the country that didn't vote for her, one has to ask after her bad tempered reaction to honest voter asking a honest question. The Issue was Iran but more important was her reaction. VIEWS has a feeling the waters are going to get rough for Queen Hillary, the USA is not a Monarchy, and acting as if it was wont get you elected.
I recall Howard Dean also got in to trouble with a voter over a question, wonder how President Dean is doing these days.!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Sunday Papers in the UK
They all lead with non General Election in the UK:
Daily Telegraph: The views of those opposed to Labour. Labour and Gordon Brown taking a battering from the Opposition for not calling an election. Tony Blair come back all is forgiven.
The Times: How Gordon Brown is not being helped by his own Deputy and the battle to recover by Labour.
Daily Telegraph: The views of those opposed to Labour. Labour and Gordon Brown taking a battering from the Opposition for not calling an election. Tony Blair come back all is forgiven.
The Times: How Gordon Brown is not being helped by his own Deputy and the battle to recover by Labour.
Major Years Redux ?
It seems after the Sir John Major years we are about to get the decline and fall of the Brown years. After the economic fiasco after the 1992 election the Major Government could not hope to win an election, thus they held on for as long as they could, is Brown going the same way. If GB cant win now can he win in a few years time, after nearly 13 years of Labour rule. The Prime Minister was not helped by Harriet Harman his deputy admitting that this dithering could have damaged her boss, what happened to that New Labour way of dealing with crisis, are we seeing another fracture in the Cabinet. Think if the Polls go south, as in down, will there be calls to replace GB. Labour backbenchers do not fancy paying the cost of the failures of Gordon Brown.
I think Harriet Harman might find herself after the next cabinet make over in Northern Ireland. The place to put Cabinet Ministers who are a negative and cant deal with a BBC Interview.
New Iowa Poll
DesMoinesRegister: A new Iowa Poll, has Clinton taking the lead, followed by Edwards and Obama.
Clinton 29 %
Edwards 23 %
Obama 22 %
Clinton 29 %
Edwards 23 %
Obama 22 %
Obama can not afford to lose in Iowa, he needs to get out there, work the state, live in the place 24/7. If he really wants to be POTUS less academic more real politics.
The Election that never was!!
Well VIEWS is always honest with his readers, was out celebrating last night, Gordon Brown had bottled it, the election planning was a few days from a Go to start and GB read the polls and Bottled it. This was why he was Chancellor for 10 years and why Tony Blair became leader before him. This is major dithering, it will haunt him for years.
Also readers did you catch the cat fight between ITV NEWS and the BBC. As the news was coming in, a reporter stated that a " Pet Reporter " of the PM had an interview that would bring the news to the world.
Friday, October 05, 2007
British Blogs Update
More Election Fever in the UK
The Times: Reports that all the building blocks for an election have been set in place, its up to GB to call the race. Or march his troops down to laughter.
Guardian Poll
Guardian: A very interesting poll in the Guardian, it reports " The new ICM poll, from a sample of 1008 people, shows Labour on 38%, Conservatives 38% and Liberal Democrats 16%. " As this follows in the vain of other polls, the Guardian might have just hit the nail on the head. A interesting article to Read.
Justice Thomas
New York Times: It seems if your a Conservative Judge your not allowed to have person views, typical of the NYT.
Tax the War
Washington Post: An article in the Post that supports a tax on the War in Iraq. Of course easy to write as the Democratic leadership would never support it as they do have a brain cell, not much when it comes to national security but they do have one. The Main Stream Media is just point scoring, not the most attractive feature of the MSM. RN had a point when it comes to the Elite Beltway Media.
Update: RN = Richard Nixon
General Election Fever?
Here comes the Hour, will GB call an election, the polls are in, we go from neck and neck between Labour and the Conservatives to a four point lead by Labour. The DECISION is this weekend. GB has marched his troops up the hill, but will he charge. If VIEWS was GB and the Marginal Polls on the whole showed a Labour lead of between 3 - 6 % would go for an election. The Labour Majority might be cut to between 20 - 40 seats, but that okay for five year term. A hold on the election and we could see 1979 again, and the Conservatives winning.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
No More Cliff ?
New York Times: Reports that Democratic leaders don't want to raise the Tax Burden on American people to pay for the War in Iraq or go slow on the President Bush's request for more money for the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nice to see some intelligence in the leadership, cant they control the Congressional troops.
Obama the new JFK ?
Washington Post: Reports that the Obama campaign has taking on the JFK mantle, the WP writes, " Now, the Obama campaign is seizing on the comparison itself to rebut one of the main arguments against his candidacy, his rivals' charge that he lacks experience. " The problem is the following, 1, Obama is not a War Hero, 2, Has not won a Major Prestigious Academic Book Award as in a Pulitzer, 3, Has not used the CIA to attack Cuba. I think you get the picture. No Democratic candidate is JFK, if only they had a new real JFK, VIEWS would support him.
Kennedy a Profile in Courage
GuelphMercury: A very interesting article on JFK and how the Democrats have moved to the left. A very good read.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Bush V Gore and the US Supreme Court
CNN: A interesting excerpt by CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin of his book on the court and the Bush v Gore of 2000. See why CNN should be called the Democratic News Network.
The Speech
Has David Cameron done enough to with a great speech to change the Polls, the Conservatives should go up but how much is the question, will they match Labour, will the speech change the political environment for Gordon Brown. Bloggers take risks by making predictions, have watched the speech on the news, seen the reviews, is it enough to prevent an election, the truth reader I have my doubts. I think Labour is just enough ahead for Gordon Brown to take a political risk. The General Elections if it is called should be on November 1. This is my prediction for what its worth, Labour with a majority of around 25 - 35. The election has just come to early for the Conservatives, next time around the Conservatives should win.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Over that Cliff
The Politico: It seems that with everything going on the path they want for 2008 election the Democrats have decided to jump of a cliff with no parachute. The Democrats in the House want to impose a tax to pay for the War in Iraq and go slow on funding. Are these people just stupid or are they in the pay of the Republicans. Think of the adverts the Republicans can start to produce, tax hikers and a weak on National Security.
I hope the Hillary Clinton campaign for the sake of good politics if nothing else does not fall in to the trap of supporting this, this could be the issue that if it is allowed to develop that could destroy the Democrats next year.
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr
New York Times: A very interesting article on the journals of Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. Interesting views on JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Clinton. Must admit cant wait to read this book, looks very interesting.
Thompson on the March
The Politico: A very interesting article on Fred Thompson, so far I have been far from impressed, does not look much like the Gipper from 1980 or 1976. Worth a Read.
Basra Politics
Well I think there will be an election in the UK, 1000 troops out of Iraq by Xmas, thought spin was finished, glad politics is back to normal!!
Israel Strike Confirmed
BBC reports that Israel has confirmed a strike on Syria in September. The actual target is still a mystery. Rumours go from nuclear compound to a link to Iran. Good for Israel, at least they have stood up to a threat.
Left and Iraq
Salon: The left is not happy, the wise move by the leading Democrats not to state that they would get out of Iraq by the end of the first term has really annoyed the left. They don't understand real politics or hate Bush so much they don't really care about the results. Read this Salon article to understand the American left and why it is more of a threat to the Democratic Party than to the Republicans.
Monday, October 01, 2007
The New Yorker: Very interesting article by Seymour Hersh on the Bush Policy via Iran, the pressure for limited bombing to prevent Iran causing problems in Iraq. Hersh seems to looks for other reasons for the problems in Iraq, true there are other reasons but the major fault line is Iran. If Diplomacy fails then the President will have to have limited military strikes on Iran to prevent them becoming a world threat.
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