Saturday, October 13, 2007

Gore Reviews

A look at the reviews for Al Gore Winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

New York Times: One gets the impression that the NYT does not want Al Gore to run for President. They want so Hillary so badly they can not afford for a Nobel Prize winner to ruin their views of the world.

New York Post: Less than impressed with Al Gore and the Prize. Not on his Xmas list I guess!!.

LA Times
: In a way supportive of Gore but only in the context that Gore is popular because Bush is down in the polls. WORTH A READ.

New York Times ( Editorial ): An interesting line at then when talking about green issues, " We cannot afford to squander any more time. " Its a pity that the Paper does not have the same views when it comes to bread and butter issues like Iraq and Terrorism. Climate Change is a long term issue, terrorists can kill you tomorrow. National Security first and last, the NYT does not get that, sorry state for a paper that broke the Titanic Story in 1912.

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