Wednesday, May 22, 2024

UK General Election on July 4th - The Next Labour Government - Starmer Era

Lets Get Real:

The PM has gone early, it is reported on Sky News that he feared letters going in to the 1922 Committee, he could have waited in January 2025, he either thinks he has a chance, the polls show him the Conservatives losing by 20% to Labour, or he wants to make the Conservative Party and its factions sorry, as they will lose members.  This blog will take an interest in Labour's Foreign policy and Defence, just in case they go nuts again.   The news media will try to make it a competitive race, it wont be, the Country is tired after 13 and half years of Conservative rule, so they want a change, Labour might find wining is not that much fun with WW3 on the horizon, will Sir Keir press that red button if he has too, what about immigration and the welfare budget.  There will be endless press coverage, this blog will be selective as not to bore the reader. 

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